Computer fundamentals mcq

  • 2.
    What are the computer fundamentals? A computer performs five basic operations: input, storage, processing, output, and control.
  • How to study computer fundamentals?

    Multiple choice (MC), objective response or MCQ (for multiple choice question) is a form of an objective assessment in which respondents are asked to select only correct answers from the choices offered as a list..

  • What is computer fundamental?

    Computer fundamentals refers to the basics of using digital devices such as computers, smart phones and tablets. “Computer” used to only refer to the basics of using a computer and associated devices; however, it has since expanded to include most frequently-used digital devices..

  • What is MCQ in computer?

    Multiple choice (MC), objective response or MCQ (for multiple choice question) is a form of an objective assessment in which respondents are asked to select only correct answers from the choices offered as a list..

  • What is the best site for computer MCQs?

    Detailed Solution.
    The correct answer is Charles Babbage.
    Charles Babbage is known as the father of computers..

  • What is the correct definition of computer MCQ?

    Explanation: A computer is a machine or device that can be programmed to perform arithmetical or logic operation sequences automatically..

  • What is the objective of computer fundamentals?

    Course Objectives
    It focuses on such computer literacy that prepares students for life-long learning of computer concepts and skills.
    Students discovers why computers are essential components in education, business and society in this course..

  • Explanation: BIOS is used by the operating system.
    It is used to configure and identify the hardware in a system such as the hard drive, floppy drive, optical drive, CPU, and memory.
1000+ MCQ on Computer Fundamental arranged chapterwise! Start practicing now for exams, online tests, quizzes, and interviews! Computer Fundamental MCQ PDF  Input UnitThe Output UnitStorage UnitArithmetic & Logic Unit


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