Understanding computer graphics

  • Application of computer graphics

    Computer graphics studies manipulation of visual and geometric information using computational techniques.
    It focuses on the mathematical and computational foundations of image generation and processing rather than purely aesthetic issues..

  • Computer graphics software

    The importance of computer graphics lies in its applications.
    In engineering applications (e.g. automotive and aeorspace), the ability to quickly visualize newly designed shapes is indispensible.
    Before the advent of computer graphics, designers built expensive prototypes and time-consuming clay models..

  • How to learn computer graphics?

    Computer graphics is a sub-field of computer science which studies methods for digitally synthesizing and manipulating visual content.
    Although the term often refers to the study of three-dimensional computer graphics, it also encompasses two-dimensional graphics and image processing..

  • What do I need to study computer graphics?

    Advice 2: Learn the necessary Math

    Dot Product.Cross Product.Spherical Coordinates.Transformation Matrix(hint: you will mostly be using nothing but 4x4 matrices as a graphics programmer, so do not spend any time on studying large matrices).

  • What is your understanding of computer graphics?

    Computer graphics requires a combination of mathematics, computer science, and creativity.
    Learners who want to excel in this field can benefit from gaining a solid foundation in topics such as linear algebra and statistics, front-end programming, and algorithms..


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