What is bgi in computer graphics

  • What is the meaning of C :\\ TC \\ BGI?

    Path ( ” C:\\\\tc\\\\bgi”) : It specifies the directory path where initgraph looks for graphics drivers (*.
    BGI) first.
    If files are not there then initgraph will look for the current directory of your program.
    If it unable to find wihtin current working directory then it will parse an error..

  • What is Windows BGI?

    They developed a graphics package that they named Borland Graphics Interface (BGI).
    Following the popular adoption of the Microsoft Windows operating system, this package was adapted to run on windows-based machines (winBGI).
    Finally, the "m" indicates that the package was modified to include mouse support..

  • The computer display system must be initialized into graphics mode before calling the graphics function.
    The “initgraph” function is used to initialize the display into graphics mode.
    This function is a part of the “graphics. h” header file.
    So this file is included in the program before executing “initgraph” function.
The Borland Graphics Interface, also known as BGI, was a graphics library bundled with several Borland compilers for the DOS operating systems since 1987. BGI was also used to provide graphics for many other Borland products including the Quattro Pro spreadsheet. Borland Graphics Interface.
The Borland Graphics Interface, also known as BGI, was a graphics library bundled with several Borland compilers for the DOS operating systems since 1987. BGI was also used to provide graphics for many other Borland products including the Quattro Pro spreadsheet.


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