Network management model in computer networks

  • What is a network management model?

    An NMS identifies, configures, monitors, updates and troubleshoots network devices -- both wired and wireless -- in an enterprise network.
    A system management control application then displays the performance data collected from each network component, and enables network engineers to make changes as needed..

  • Its main functions are: (a) to monitor managed devices and collect data reported by them, used for further analysis by management staff; (b) to request information from managed devices and receive their responses; and (c) to configure managed devices by setting variables and thresholds.
  • Performance, fault, configuration, accounting, and security — all five of these functional areas, upon further inspection, play distinct, yet comparable, roles in network management.
  • The ISO model defines five conceptual areas for managing networks: performance, configuration, accounting, fault, and security.
    This model is both a standard and primary means for understanding the major functions of network management.
  • These operational areas are fault management, configuration management, accounting management, performance management and security management, also known as FCAPS.
    Each network management subdiscipline incorporates several operational elements.
Network Management Model The principles of network management resemble the principles of network communications; both use a layered approach. The layered 
The layered approach of the FCAPS model for network management is like the Open System Interconnection (OSI) model used for internetworking, as shown in Figure 


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