Computer networks online bits jntuk

  • What is bits in computer?

    A bit (binary digit) is the smallest unit of data that a computer can process and store.
    A bit is always in one of two physical states, similar to an on/off light switch.
    The state is represented by a single binary value, usually a 0 or 1.
    However, the state might also be represented by yes/no, on/off or true/false..

  • What is internet in computer network Mcq?

    The Internet is simply known as the network of networks.
    It is a worldwide global system that connects all the networks of the world.
    By using standard internet protocol (IP) internet works.
    All computers or mobile devices have a unique IP address..

  • Why are bits used in networking?

    Why is internet speed measured in bits/s instead of bytes/s? Data sent over a network is sent serially, one bit at a time.
    The stated speed of a network connection is how many bits could be sent in a second which is actually a signaling rate.
    The real speed is influenced by how the data is represented on the wire..

Rating 4.6 (11) JNTU ONLINE EXAMINATIONS [Mid 1 - cn]. 1. A file is being transferred. The time required actually is 6- hours. The. mean time between crashes is 2- hours.


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