Computer vision tech stack

  • What is the tech stack for computer vision?

    The best-in-class software stack for computer vision, which is the foundation of the no-code platform, includes CVAT, OpenCV, OpenVINO, TensorFlow, or PyTorch.Jul 17, 2023.

  • What is the technology stack for computer vision?

    The best-in-class software stack for computer vision, which is the foundation of the no-code platform, includes CVAT, OpenCV, OpenVINO, TensorFlow, or PyTorch.Jul 17, 2023.

  • What tech stack can be used in AI ML?

    A tech stack is the set of technologies used to develop an application, including programming languages, frameworks, databases, front-end and back-end tools, and APIs..

  • Which framework is best for computer vision?


    1. OpenCV – Real-Time Computer Vision Library
    2. Viso Suite – No-Code Computer Vision Platform
    3. TensorFlow – Software Library for Machine Learning
    4. CUDA – Parallel Computing and Programming
    5. MATLAB – Programming Platform for Engineers and Scientists
    6. Keras – The Python Deep Learning API

Computer vision applications are based on the implementation of the spectrum of techniques—from simple heuristics to complex neural networks—by which we feed 
The tech stack behind Computer Vision companies.

How can computer vision improve safety & security?

Enhance safety and security in public spaces or private venues with computer vision–based solutions.
Real-time computer vision solutions at the edge can streamline workflows in medical imaging, clinical systems, and life and lab sciences.


Viso Suite – No-Code Computer Vision Platform

Viso Suiteis an end-to-end computer vision platform for businesses to build, deploy and monitor real-world computer vision applications.
The no-code platform is based on a best-in-class software stack for computer vision including CVAT, OpenCV, OpenVINO, TensorFlow, or PyTorch.
Viso Suite includes over 15 products in one solution, including image a.

Computer vision tech stack
Computer vision tech stack

Cloud computing software

OpenStack is a free, open standard cloud computing platform.
It is mostly deployed as infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) in both public and private clouds where virtual servers and other resources are made available to users.
The software platform consists of interrelated components that control diverse, multi-vendor hardware pools of processing, storage, and networking resources throughout a data center.
Users manage it either through a web-based dashboard, through command-line tools, or through RESTful web services.

Network of Q&A sites based in New York City

Stack Exchange is a network of question-and-answer (Q&A) websites on topics in diverse fields, each site covering a specific topic, where questions, answers, and users are subject to a reputation award process.
The reputation system allows the sites to be self-moderating.
As of March 2023, the three most actively-viewed sites in the network are Stack Overflow, Unix & Linux, and Mathematics.

Christian non-profit organization

TechMission is a Christian non-profit organization which aims to use online education to transform lives.
Its current focus is training nonprofit leaders in ministry management and addiction counseling through its accredited online college, City Vision University.


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