Computer aided fault tree analysis system (cafta)

  • How does fault tree analysis work?

    FTA uses a fault tree analysis diagram to show the different events or conditions that could lead to an undesired outcome, like equipment failure.
    The FTA process consists of three main steps: Create a fault tree diagram.
    Identify failure events, initiating events, and contributing factors from your diagram..

  • What is Cafta software?

    CAFTA is the industry leader in fault tree analysis for large, complicated, or multi- user collaborative projects.
    CAFTA allows you to build, quantify, and analyze fault tree models of any size or complexity..

  • What is computer assisted fault tree analysis?

    CAFTA uses the full power of today's personal computers and providing the ability to effectively model and analyze complex systems.
    As fault tree analysis assumes a greater importance in many industries, the need to develop models in a logical and efficient manner has increased..

  • What is the application of fault tree analysis?

    This analysis method is mainly used in safety engineering and reliability engineering to understand how systems can fail, to identify the best ways to reduce risk and to determine (or get a feeling for) event rates of a safety accident or a particular system level (functional) failure..

  • What is the fault tree analysis method?

    Fault tree analysis (FTA) is a logical risk assessment method, which is widely utilized to determine the possible causes and occurrence probability of an unexpected event, called top event (system failure) [1,2]..

  • What is the fault tree analysis?

    Fault tree analysis (FTA), sometimes known as event tree analysis, is a method of identifying the possible causes of a system failure.
    A fault tree is used to graphically illustrate the different potential causes of a failure in the form of a diagram..

  • What is the principle of fault tree analysis?

    A fault tree diagram is drawn from the top down.
    The starting point is the undesired event of interest (called the 'top event' because it gets placed at the top of the diagram).
    You then have to logically work out (and draw) the immediate contributory fault conditions leading to that event..

  • Who created fault tree analysis?

    Fault tree analysis (FTA) was originally developed in 1962 at Bell Laboratories by H.A.
    Watson, under a U.S.
    Air Force Ballistics Systems Division contract to evaluate the Minuteman I Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) Launch Control System..

  • CAFTA is the industry leader in fault tree analysis for large, complicated, or multi- user collaborative projects.
    CAFTA allows you to build, quantify, and analyze fault tree models of any size or complexity.
  • Fault tree analysis is used by system designers, process designers, project managers, and engineers in manufacturing.
    These personnel often use FTA alongside the Kaizen methodology and root cause analysis to prevent or solve system failures.
  • Fault Tree Analysis, also known as FTA, is a deductive safety analysis.
    It starts with a “top level” event that represents a hazard and digs deeper, layer by layer, repeating the same basic question until the root causes are identified.
CAFTA uses the full power of today's personal computers and providing the ability to effectively model and analyze complex systems. As fault tree analysis assumes a greater importance in many industries, the need to develop models in a logical and efficient manner has increased.
CAFTA is designed to meet the many needs of reliability analysts while performing fault tree/event tree analysis on a system or group of systems. It includes: Fault Tree Editor for building, updating and printing fault tree models.

Can a fault tree analysis solution be performed manually in CAFTA software?

These solutions can be performed manually in the CAFTA software, but it is often difficult to track and document the numerous results.
PRAQuant is used to configure several fault tree analysis solutions in advance, and to track the completion and results from each run.
Work with other EPRI software components to complete the quantification process .


What is a fault tree database?

This database contains descriptions, reliability and uncertainty data, source and user-defined fields for each event in the fault tree model.
Event names are automatically added to the database as they are added to the fault trees.


What is a minimal cutset in a CAFTA fault tree model?

Minimal cutsets are typically developed and manipulated from a CAFTA fault tree model.
Using ACUBE, a more accurate probability of a Boolean function and importance measures can be calculated.
ACUBE is particularly useful in refining the results when the probabilities in the model violate the rare-event approximation.


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