What are the examples of computer users

  • What are some common users for a computer?

    A computer user can also be broken up into any of the following more specific types of computer users based on how they use the computer.

    Administrator.Animator.Blogger.Cracker.Developer.End user.Gamer.Graphic artist..

  • What are the 10 examples of computer?

    The 10 types of computers include personal computers, desktops, laptops, tablets, hand-held computers, servers, workstations, mainframes, wearable computers and supercomputers..

  • What are the 5 types of computer users?

    The five main categories of computer users are small office & home users, home users, mobile users, power users, and large business users.
    They are distinguished by the skills required to be a part of each category, where they use a computer and their time on a computer..

  • What are users of computers called?

    Answer: User.
    Explanation: In modern operating systems like windows, the person who uses a computer is called an User.
    And the person who makes changes in a computer or changes some core files is called an Administrator..

  • Answer: User.
    Explanation: In modern operating systems like windows, the person who uses a computer is called an User.
    And the person who makes changes in a computer or changes some core files is called an Administrator.
  • Personal computers
    “Microcomputer” is now primarily used to mean a PC, but it can refer to any kind of small computer, such as a desktop computer, laptop computer, tablet, smartphone, or wearable.
Examples of Computer Usage
  • Home User. In an increasing number of homes, the computer is a basic necessity.
  • Small Office/Home Office User. Computer assist small business and home office users in managing their resources effectively.
  • Mobile User.
  • Power User.
  • Enterprise User.
The five main categories of computer users are small office & home users, home users, mobile users, power users, and large business users.

What are the 5 types of computer users?

The five main categories of computer users are small office & home users, home users, mobile users, power users, and large business users.
They are distinguished by the skills required to be a part of each category, where they use a computer and their time on a computer.


What is an example of a user?

It is an extremely generic term that is often overly broad.
The following are common examples of a user.
A customer who uses a product or service.
For example, a customer who visits a library to borrow a book.
A person who uses an item, even if they didn't buy it.
For example, parents are often customers for toys and children are often end-users.


What is an example of an end user?

Alternatively called an end user, a user is any individual who is not involved with supporting or developing a computer or service.
For example, you are the end-user of the computer you are using when you call technical support for help.


Who uses a computer?

Simply put, these people are either hackers or programmers.
Finally, every industry sector and everyone has a different reason to use a computer.
Here is a list of users by the industry and why.
Examples – Gamers, streamers, artists.
The gaming and entertainment industry is huge… .


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