What is computer and information age

  • What defines the age of the information?

    The term refers to the period after the industrial age; it is applied to the period beginning around the 1980s, when the movement of information became faster than physical movement.
    A label given to the post-Cold War sociological and economic conditions of the world, which are driven by technology and information..

  • What is computer age explanation?

    the period in modern history characterized by computer use and development and its effects on all aspects of life..

  • What is ICT in Information Age?

    ICT is short for information and communications technology.
    It refers to a broad field encompassing computers, communications equipment and the services associated with them.
    It includes the telephone, cellular networks, satellite communication, broad- casting media and other forms of communication..

  • What is known as the Information Age?

    The Information Age began around the 1970s and is still going on today.
    It is also known as the Computer Age, Digital Age, or New Media Age.
    This era brought about a time period in which people could access information and knowledge easily..

  • What is the definition of computer age?

    noun. the period in modern history characterized by computer use and development and its effects on all aspects of life..

  • Electronic age also known as digital age, computer age, or new media age is a period in human history characterized by the shift from traditional industry that the industrial revolution brought through industrialization to an economy based on information computerization (Deegan & Tanner, 2002).
  • It enabled people to access tremendous amounts of information rapidly and easily. 5.
    How is computer technology related to the rise of the "Information Age"? They have made exchanging detailed information much easier & faster / They have helped make models for understanding environmental changes.
  • The term refers to the period after the industrial age; it is applied to the period beginning around the 1980s, when the movement of information became faster than physical movement.
    A label given to the post-Cold War sociological and economic conditions of the world, which are driven by technology and information.
The Information Age is the idea that access to and the control of information is the defining characteristic of this current era in human civilization. The Information Age -- also called the Computer Age, the Digital Age and the New Media Age -- is coupled tightly with the advent of personal computers.

Overview of early developments

Library expansion was calculated in 1945 by Fremont Rider to double in capacity every 16 years where sufficient space made available

Different stage conceptualizations

During rare times in human history, there have been periods of innovation that have transformed human life. The Neolithic Age


Eventually, Information and communication technology (ICT)—i.e. computers, computerized machinery, fiber optics


The Information Age was enabled by technology developed in the Digital Revolution

Economy, society and culture

Manuel Castells captures the significance of the Information Age in The Information Age: Economy

How has the Information Age changed the way we work?

Still another revolutionary social change has been abetted by the new Information Age: the entrance of women into the work force in unparalleled numbers

Before the onset of industrialization, women worked alongside the menfolk in the fields and in the home handcraft production of the times

What is the information age?

The Information Age is the idea that access to and the control of information is the defining characteristic of this current era in human civilization

The Information Age -- also called the Computer Age, the Digital Age and the New Media Age -- is coupled tightly with the advent of personal computers

Will the information age be good or bad for Humanity?

Even so, the historical record gives us some cause for optimism

The technical advances of the Information Age, if they follow the pattern of previous technical changes, could provide us with more goods and services, increase material well-being, and help do away with poverty and misery throughout the globe

The period beginning around 1970 and noted for the abundant publication, consumption, and manipulation of information, especially by computers and computer networks.The Information Age (also known as the Computer Age, Digital Age, or New Media Age) is a period in human history characterized by the shift from traditional industry that the industrial revolution brought through industrialization, to an economy based on information computerization.: the modern age regarded as a time in which information has become a commodity that is quickly and widely disseminated and easily available especially through the use of computer technology


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