How many homes have computers

  • How many computers does the average family have?

    According to a 2020 survey, the average American had access to more than ten connected devices in their household.
    People had access to more than two computers on average and more than two mobile phones in the evaluated period..

  • How many homes have a computer?

    In 2019, almost half of private households worldwide were estimated to have a computer at home.
    In developing countries, the PC penetration rate is lower with around a third of households having a computer.
    In contrast the share of households with a personal computer in developed countries was closer to 80 percent.3 days ago.

  • How many households have a computer in the UK?

    Table A45 shows that for the period April 2020 to March 2021 90% of private households in the UK had a home computer and 93% of households had access to a mobile telephone (details of the capabilities of the mobile phone are not collected)..

  • How many houses have computers?

    In 2019, almost half of private households worldwide were estimated to have a computer at home.
    In developing countries, the PC penetration rate is lower with around a third of households having a computer.
    In contrast the share of households with a personal computer in developed countries was closer to 80 percent.3 days ago.

  • Table A45 shows that for the period April 2020 to March 2021 90% of private households in the UK had a home computer and 93% of households had access to a mobile telephone (details of the capabilities of the mobile phone are not collected).
  • There has been a huge increase in mobile computing, particularly tablets and smart phones, while desktop PC sales have stagnated.
    Desktops might not have the glitz and glamor of ultra-portable laptops, but they're still essential for work.
4 days agoIn 2019, almost half of private households worldwide were estimated to have a computer at home. In developing countries, the PC penetration 

What percentage of Americans have a computer at home?

The statistic shows the percentage of U.S. households that have a computer from 1984 to 2016.
In 2016, 89.3 percent of all households in the United States had a computer at home.
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What percentage of Canadian households have a desktop or laptop computer?

In 2019, 79.2% of Canadian households had a desktop or laptop computer.
This statistic is a telling indication of the prevalence of desktop and laptop computers in Canadian households.
It speaks to the ubiquity of computers in our homes, and the importance of having access to them in order to stay connected and informed.


What percentage of European households have a computer?

In 2019, 83.9% of European households had a computer.
This statistic is a powerful indicator of the prevalence of computers in European households.
It demonstrates that the majority of households in Europe have access to computers, which is essential for staying connected and informed in the digital age.


Where is computer ownership most common in the world?

The statistics show that computer ownership is widespread across the world, with most countries having at least 80% of households owning a computer.
The highest rates are found in South Korea (96%), Denmark (97%) and Japan (94.2%).


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