Conflict management nursing ppt

Accommodating Approach

An accommodating approach to conflict management demonstrates a low commitment to goals and high commitment to relationships.
This approach is the opposite of the competitive approach.
It occurs when a person ignores or overrides their own concerns to satisfy the concerns of the other party.
An accommodating approach is often used to establish reci.


Addressing Individual Needs and Approaches

There are times when other individuals take an approach that is not helpful to resolving the conflict.
It is important to remember the only person you can control during a conflict is yourself.
Be flexible with your approach according to the situation and the team members with whom you are working.
If someone is taking an approach that is not benef.


Avoidance Approach

An avoidance approach to conflict resolution demonstrates a low commitment to both goals and relationships.
This is the most common method of dealing with conflict, especially by people who view conflict negatively.
See Table 7.7a for types of avoidance, potential results, and situations when this strategy may be appropriate.
Table 7.7a Avoidance A.


Collaborative Approach

The collaborative approach to conflict resolution demonstrates a high commitment to goals, as well as a high commitment to relationships.
The collaborative approach attempts to meet the concerns and priorities of all parties, but trust and willingness for risk are required for this approach to be effective.See Table 7.7e for types of collaborative .


Common Sources of Interpersonal Conflict

Common sources of interpersonal conflict in health care settings are passive-aggressiveness, horizontal aggression, defensiveness, peer informer behavior, and victimization behaviors.


Competitive Approach

A competitive approach to conflict management demonstrates a high commitment to goals and a low commitment to relationships.
Individuals who use the competitive approach pursue their goals at other individuals’ expense and will use whatever power is necessary to win.
A competitive approach may be displayed when an individual defends an action, beli.


Compromising Approach

A compromising approach to conflict resolution strikes a balance between commitment to goals and commitment to relationships.
The objective of a compromising approach is a quick solution that will work for both parties.
It typically involves both parties giving up something in return for something, thereby “meeting in the middle.”See Table 7.7d for.


Conflict Management

Individuals manage conflict differently.
During conflict, a person’s behavior is typically driven by their commitment to their goals or their commitment to relationships:.
1) Commitment to goals:The extent to which an individual attempts to satisfy their personal concerns or goals..
2) Commitment to relationships:The extent to which an individual att.


Escalating and De-Escalating Conflict

An approach taken to manage conflict can escalate (increase) or de-escalate (decrease) the conflict.
Conflict on a team can take a life of its own and escalate beyond reason if not managed appropriately by nurse leaders.
When conflict is not managed appropriately, negative consequences within the team often occur, and patient safety can be compromi.


What is conflict among nurses?

Conflict among nurses is prevalent and has consequences that extend beyond interpersonal tension.
Conflict among nurses can negatively impact teamwork, nurse retention, and the quality of patient car(11,17,19,24) Conflict can be described as the discord that results when two or more parties have opposing or incompatible ideas, beliefs, or goals.


What is the most common response to conflict management?

Additionally, avoidance was found to be the most common response to conflict management, which was followed by collaboration.
Mediation, accommodation, and compromise were the least common responses.
The responses to conflict were significantly predicted by education, work position, experience, and age.


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