Crisis management beyond the humanitarian-development nexus

  • What is EU nexus?

    The nexus approach is a collective effort of the EU, its Member States, and its partners to address protracted and predictable crises, to help people recover and to avoid unnecessary suffering..

  • What is HDP nexus approach?

    What is the H-D-P approach or triple nexus? The HDP triple nexus is the term used to capture the interlinkages between the humanitarian, development and peace sectors..

  • What is the biggest humanitarian crisis right now?

    Yemen: A crisis for women and girls
    Yemen remains one of the world's largest humanitarian crises.
    In 2023, a staggering 21.6 million people require some form of humanitarian assistance as 80 percent of the country struggles to put food on the table and access basic services..

  • What is the hdp nexus approach?

    What is the H-D-P approach or triple nexus? The HDP triple nexus is the term used to capture the interlinkages between the humanitarian, development and peace sectors..

  • What is the nexus between humanitarian and development?

    The Humanitarian-Development Nexus is the concept of increased collaboration between organizations working in short term humanitarian aid and long term international development promoted since 2016..

  • Why is humanitarian crisis important?

    A humanitarian crisis is a generalised emergency situation that affects an entire community or a group of people in a region, which involves high levels of mortality or malnutrition, the spread of disease and epidemics and health emergencies..

  • Humanitarian crises can either be natural disasters, human-made disasters or complex emergencies.
    In such cases, complex emergencies occur as a result of several factors or events that prevent a large group of people from accessing their fundamental needs, such as food, clean water or safe shelter.
  • UN Humanitarian Funds include CERF, a global fund that provides immediate rapid-response aid when disasters strike, and individual Humanitarian Funds for ongoing crises in specific countries.
  • What is the Triple Nexus? The “triple nexus” refers to the interlinkages between humanitarian, development and peace actors.
    In the UN's “New Way of Working (NWoW),” these actors are expected to work towards collective outcomes over multiple years, when appropriate.
In addressing humanitarian crises, the international community has long understood the need to extend beyond providing immediate relief, and to engage with long-term recovery activities and the prevention of similar crises in the future. Google BooksOriginally published: 2018

How can the international community address humanitarian crises?

Edited By Atsushi Hanatani, Oscar A.
Gómez, Chigumi Kawaguchi Copyright 2018 In addressing humanitarian crises, the international community has long understood the need to extend beyond providing immediate relief, and to engage with long-term recovery activities and the prevention of similar crises in the future.


What are some examples of humanitarian crises?

The book draws on six humanitarian crises case studies, each resulting from armed conflict or natural disasters:

  1. Timor-Leste
  2. South Sudan
  3. the Syrian crisis
  4. Hurricane Mitch in Honduras
  5. the Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami in Indonesia
  6. Typhoon Yolanda

What is humanitarian development nexus?

Humanitarian Development Nexus:

  1. Strengthening a Decentralized Health System for protracted displaced population in al Fasher and Nyala – North and South Darfur States

Why is international humanitarian law a missing piece of Nexus discussion?

Second, because therespect for international humanitarian law (IHL) in the conduct of hostilities is a missing piece of nexus discussions.
The way wars are fought can impact the extent to which development dividends may come from the achievements of humanitarian action.

Crisis management beyond the humanitarian-development nexus
Crisis management beyond the humanitarian-development nexus

Global agreement on humanitarian funding reform

The Grand Bargain: Agenda for Humanity, usually called the Grand Bargain, is an agreement to reform the delivery of humanitarian aid, that was struck at the World Humanitarian Summit in May 2016.
The agreement contains 51 specific commitments, grouped into ten focus areas, with activity targets to be completed by January 1, 2020.


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