Conflict resolution bbc

  • How to resolve conflict?

    Some Ways to Resolve Conflicts

    1. Talk directly.
    2. Assuming that there is no threat of physical violence, talk directly to the person with whom you have the problem.
    3. Choose a good time
    4. Plan ahead
    5. Don't blame or name-call
    6. Give information
    7. Listen
    8. Show that you are listening
    9. Talk it all through

  • Seven Conflict Resolution Tips for Couples

    Directly express your thoughts and feelings. Don't Blame Your Partner. Stick to One Argument at a Time. Communication is Key. Stay Open-Minded. Don't sweat the small stuff. Assume your partner has good intentions.
  • Conflict resolution is the process that two or more parties use to find a cordial solution to a problem.
'Conflict resolution' is a way for people to find a peaceful solution to a disagreement among themselves. The disagreement may be personal, financial, political, or emotional. When a dispute arises, often the best thing is negotiation to resolve the disagreement.

Finding common ground

For more than four years Martin Sajdik acted as OSCE mediator between the two sides in the Trilateral Contact Group.


Handing back Ukraine's border

Another major stumbling block is how to implement the deal's political provisions.


How do you deal with a conflict?

Conflict is a word we use to describe disagreements between people that aren’t sorted out happily.
When you have an argument with someone else you can react in lots of different ways.
You can shout, scream, huff, pull a face, call people names or push and hit each other.
None of these actions help to sort the problem out.


Is Minsk a viable solution to Ukraine's conflict?

However, Ambassador Sajdik believes compromise is possible and that Minsk is a viable solution to end the conflict.
But only if there is political will, and that is something Russia and Ukraine accuse each other of not having.
Nevertheless they all agree it is important to continue the dialogue within the existing formats.


Minsk agreements

Since war in the east broke out in April 2014, more than 14,000 people have died.
A deal was reached in 2015 between Ukraine's then-president Petro Poroshenko and Russia's Vladimir Putin.



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Should AU envoys bring the conflict to an end?

Today, they are standard practice.
In a statement announcing the three envoys' mission, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa, who is the current AU chairperson, reaffirmed the organisation's position that the conflict "should be brought to an end through dialogue".
But it was couched in standard diplomatic courtesies and lacked bite.


Stumbling blocks for Russia and Ukraine

There are fundamental differences in the Russian and Ukrainian positions.
But the major dispute centres on a political settlement for the Donbas.


What is disagreement resolution?

‘Conflict resolution’ is a way for people to find a peaceful solution to a disagreement among themselves.
The disagreement may be personal, financial, political, or emotional.
When a dispute arises, often the best thing is negotiation to resolve the disagreement.

  • this means to work out a solution that everyone agrees with.

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