Beyond conflict

  • How can we reduce conflict in society?

    Some Ways to Resolve Conflicts

    1. Talk directly.
    2. Assuming that there is no threat of physical violence, talk directly to the person with whom you have the problem.
    3. Choose a good time
    4. Plan ahead
    5. Don't blame or name-call
    6. Give information
    7. Listen
    8. Show that you are listening
    9. Talk it all through

  • What are concepts of conflict?

    Conflict is the result of a disagreement between actors on the basis of perceived incompatible goals (Conflict Sensitivity Consortium, 2012: 2).
    Disagreements and conflicts are inevitable everyday occurrences – and their resolution can result in constructive change..

  • What is the summary of conflict?

    Conflict is a natural disagreement resulting from individuals or groups that differ in attitudes, beliefs, values or needs.
    It can also originate from past rivalries and personality differences.
    Other causes of conflict include trying to negotiate before the timing is right or before needed information is available..

  • Who is the CEO of Beyond Conflict?

    Tim Phillips is the founder and CEO of Beyond Conflict.
    Since 1992, Phillips has led Beyond Conflict in its efforts to help catalyze the peace and reconciliation processes in several nations, including Northern Ireland, El Salvador, Kosovo and South Africa..

Beyond Conflict combines 30 years of experience in conflict resolution with insights from brain and behavioral science to advance new strategies to prevent  Job OpportunitiesStaffBoard of DirectorsPrograms
Beyond Conflict is the mental health charity for conflict zones. Our mission is to tackle the psychological suffering of victims of war, terrorism and displacement.


Beyond conflict boston
Beyond conflict institute
Inside conflict
Opposite conflict
Opposite meaning of conflict
Opposing conflict
Opposite of conflict in english
Outside conflict
Personality conflict
Save conflict
Conflict understanding
Under conflict
Understanding conflict and violence
Without conflict
Data conflict example
Conflict database
Conflict in games
Conflict taxonomy
Conflict value
Mbti conflict