Conflict analysis ppt

  • What is conflict analysis PDF?

    Conflict analysis is a structured analytical process that offers insights into risks of violent conflict in a particular area, country or region.
    It offers an evidence-based foundation for prevention and resolution of violent conflicts..

  • Pondy's model of organizational conflict was formulated in 1967, defining the conflict process as a dynamic among individuals, and is made up of five stages of conflict: latent stage, perceived stage, felt stage, manifest, and conflict aftermath.
  • Stages of conflict include latent conflict, confrontation, crisis, outcome, and post crisis (gure 2, below based on: Galtung 2000, p. 2). ough most conflicts go through these different stages, they often jump back and forth, as unresolved issues may lead to additional confrontations and crises.
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How do you analyze a conflict context?


  • Given your analysis
  • consider who to engage with and how to maximize your chances for success.
    Understanding the ‘pulse’ of a conflict context requires awareness of the conflict dynamics, including:patterns and forces that connect or divide social groups.
    Ensure that your analysis considers gender, identity, geography and age.
  • ,

    What is peace and Conflict Analysis?

    (ISDC, Berlin, 2016).
    In practical terms, peace and conflict analysis aims to identify opportunities for peace responsive and conflict sensitive actions.
    The conceptual link between work and peace does not of course mean that any and all initiatives in the world of work necessarily contribute significantly to peace.


    What is Social Conflict Analysis?

    While early conflict analysis work focused mostly on the political and security aspects of conflict, studying the social aspects of conflict has gained increasing prominence.
    It is now understood that many conflicts, particularly within states, emerge in response to a sense of marginalization of specific groups or areas.


    Why is Conflict Analysis important?

    It helps development, humanitarian and peacebuilding organisations to gain a better understanding of the context in which they work and their role in that context.
    Conflict analysis can be carried out at various levels (eg local, regional, national, etc) and seeks to establish the linkages between these levels (see Fig 1).


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