Theory of conjunctive queries

In database theory, a conjunctive query is a restricted form of first-order queries using the logical conjunction operator. Many first-order queries can be written as conjunctive queries. In particular, a large part of queries issued on relational databases can be expressed in this way.

Is a Datalog rule a conjunctive query?

A single Datalog rule can be seen as a conjunctive query [ 1 ].
Optimization and reformulation for various purposes is quite feasible for conjunctive queries, as opposed to general relational calculus/algebra queries.
The equivalence (and indeed the containment) of conjunctive queries is decidable, albeit NP-complete [ 1 ].


What is a conjunction query in relational calculus?

This entry uses terminology defined in the entry Relational Calculus.
Conjunctive queries are first-order queries of a particular form:

  • {〈 e1
  • en 〉 ∣ ∃ x1 … xmψ } where ψ is an (equality-free) conjunction of relational atoms
  • i.e., atoms of the form R ( d1 ,…, dk ) (where d1 ,…, dk are variables of constants).
  • In computability theory, many reducibility relations are studied.
    They are motivated by the question: given sets mwe-math-element> and mwe-math-element> of natural numbers, is it possible to effectively convert a method for deciding membership in mwe-math-element> into a method for deciding membership in mwe-math-element>? If the answer to this question is affirmative then mwe-math-element> is said to be reducible to mwe-math-element>.


    Conjunctive queries equality
    Conjunctive query answering
    Conjunctive query algorithm
    Conjunctive conjunction examples
    Contact me if you have any queries
    Ovsdb-client query example
    Conjunctive queries
    Conjunctive query containment
    Conjunctive query combine complexity
    Contact us if you have any queries
    Concur support contact
    Request.querystring not working
    Conjunctive query evaluation
    Query email example
    Explain responding to queries
    Query escalation process
    Request.querystring example
    Conjunctive queries in relational databases
    Conjunctive queries implementation
    Conjunctive query example