Conjunctive query

  • How does a query work?

    A query can either be a request for data results from your database or for action on the data, or for both.
    A query can give you an answer to a simple question, perform calculations, combine data from different tables, add, change, or delete data from a database..

  • What does a query do?

    A query can give you an answer to a simple question, perform calculations, combine data from different tables, add, change, or delete data from a database..

  • SQL is a well known query language and data manipulation language for relational databases; XQuery is a query language for XML data sources; XPath is a declarative language for navigating XML documents; YQL is an SQL-like query language created by Yahoo
In database theory, a conjunctive query is a restricted form of first-order queries using the logical conjunction operator. Many first-order queries can be written as conjunctive queries. In particular, a large part of queries issued on relational Wikipedia


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