Constitutional law 2 matrix quizlet

  • What are the two main functions of the US Constitution?

    First it creates a national government consisting of a legislative, an executive, and a judicial branch, with a system of checks and balances among the three branches.
    Second, it divides power between the federal government and the states..

  • What are the two primary functions of the US Constitution quizlet?

    What are the two primary functions of the U.S.
    Constitution? One, the U.S.
    Constitution establish the organization of government.
    Two, the US Constitution protect individual rights from government overreaching.
    What is constitutional law?.

  • What is the twenty second amendment quizlet?

    Passed in 1951, this amendment permits the vice president to become acting president if both the vice president and the presidents cabinet determine that the president is disables, the amendment also outlines how a recuperated president can reclaim the job..

  • Significance: The 22nd Amendment is check on the president's power.
    Ratified in 1967, this amendment permits the vice president to become acting president if the vice president and the president's cabinet determine that the president is disabled, and it outlines how a recuperated president can reclaim the job.
  • What are the two primary functions of the U.S.
    Constitution? One, the U.S.
    Constitution establish the organization of government.
    Two, the US Constitution protect individual rights from government overreaching.
    What is constitutional law?

What are the concepts of constitutional law and constitutionalism?

The concepts of constitutional law and constitutionalism basically refer to the legal framework of a country

What is Article 4 Section 2 Clause 1?

Article IV, Section 2, Clause 1: Privileges and immunities

The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all privileges and immunities of Citizens in the Several States

States cannot discriminate against citizens of other states

This limits the power of state governments and guarantees the rights of individuals


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