Constitutional law 2 cards quizlet

  • What are the two simultaneously operating tracks of the American judiciary?

    What are the two simultaneously operating tracks of the American judiciary? State courts and federal courts..

  • The Supreme Court has the last word on all constitutional matters in the U.S. as Congress has no power to control the Courts.

What is Article 1 of the Constitution?

Article 1: sets out congress and grants them power to legislate and make laws

Marbury v

Madison Holding: marbury loses out b/c scotus said they couldn't rule on the case b/c they only had appellate jurisdiction and the case should have been in the lower court first

What rules make up constitutional law?

It is already stated in the Dicey’s work that rules which make up constitutional law include two sets of principles: the law of the constitution and conventions of the constitution

(1) Britain is particularly known for its constitutional conventions due to their central place in the workings of the government


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