Constitutional law germany

  • What are the constitutional rights of Germany?


    1. Every person shall have the right to free development of his personality insofar as he does not violate the rights of others or offend against the constitutional order or the moral law
    2. . (.
    3. Every person shall have the right to life and physical integrity.
    4. Freedom of the person shall be inviolable.

  • What is Article 16 of the German law?

    Article 16 (Deprivation of citizenship, extradition, right of asylum).
    No one may be deprived of his German citizenship.
    Loss of citizenship may arise only pursuant to a law, and against the will of the person affected it may arise only if such person does not thereby become stateless..

  • What is the constitutional system of Germany?

    The Federal Republic of Germany is organised as a federal and parliamentary democracy.
    The Basic Law.
    Section 1 of the Basic Law is of particular relevance.
    It stipulates that respect for human dignity is the most important aspect of the constitution: “Human dignity shall be….

  • What law governs Germany?

    The law of Germany (German: Recht Deutschlands), that being the modern German legal system (German: deutsches Rechtssystem), is a system of civil law which is founded on the principles laid out by the Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany, though many of the most important laws, for example most regulations of .

  • Which constitution is taken from Germany?

    The correct answer is The emergency power.
    The feature of suspension of Fundamental Rights during Emergency is taken from the Weimar Constitution of Germany.
    In Part XVIII of the Constitution, from Articles 352 to 360, the Emergency provisions are there..

  • The correct answer is The emergency power.
    The feature of suspension of Fundamental Rights during Emergency is taken from the Weimar Constitution of Germany.
    In Part XVIII of the Constitution, from Articles 352 to 360, the Emergency provisions are there.
  • The Federal Constitutional Court is responsible for ensuring adherence to the Basic Law.
    Since its establishment in 1951, the Court has helped ensure respect for and give effect to Germany's free democratic basic order.
    This applies in particular to the enforcement of fundamental rights.
The Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany is the constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany. The West German Constitution was approved in Bonn on 8 May 1949 and came into effect on 23 May after having been approved by the occupying WikipediaBranches: 3Executive: ChancellorHead of state: President of GermanyOriginal title: Grundgesetz für die Bundesrepublik DeutschlandRatified: 8 May 1949System: Federal parliamentary republic
The current version of the Basic Law (Grundgesetz) of 23 May 1949 is the constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany. The Basic Law was adopted in 1949, initially as a provisional framework for the basic organization of the state until German reunification.
The current version of the Basic Law (Grundgesetz) of 23 May 1949 is the constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany. The Basic Law was adopted in 1949, 

Does Germany have a permanent constitution?

Thus what was intended to be an interim measure has become Germany’s permanent constitution

Current and prior versions of the Basic Law are available online and in print, both in the original German and in English translation

This German government website provides free online access to the current version of the Basic Law, as amended

What constitutional provisions apply to Germany's participation in the EU?

Specific constitutional provisions apply to Germany’s participation in the EU (Article 23 of the Basic Law) and to other situations in which sovereign powers are transferred to international organisations (Article 24 of the Basic Law) through the conclusion of international treaties

What is the law of Germany?

The law of Germany (German: das Recht Deutschlands), that being the modern German legal system (German: Deutsches Rechtssystem), is a system of civil law which is founded on the principles laid out by the Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany, though many of the most important laws, for example most regulations of the civil code (

The German constitution, the Basic Law (Grundgesetz), guarantees the right to own property, freedom of movement, free choice of occupation, freedom of association, and equality before the law. However, the constitution modified the operation of the unfettered free market by means of its “social market economy” (Soziale Marktwirtschaft).

When reunification took effect on 3 October 1990, the Basic Law became the constitution for the whole of Germany. The Basic Law has been subject of over 60 amendments since 1949. Among these amendments were the constitutional provisions for rearmament in 1956 and emergency legislation in 1968.

The German Emergency Acts were passed on 30 May 1968 at the time of the First Grand Coalition between the Social Democratic Party of Germany and the Christian Democratic Union of Germany.
It was the 17th constitutional amendment to the Basic Law, adding emergency clauses to ensure the federal government's ability to act in crises such as natural disasters, uprisings or war.
Constitutional law germany
Constitutional law germany

Official name for the German nation-state from 1871 to 1945

German Reich was the constitutional name for the German nation-state that existed from 18 January 1871 to 5 June 1945.
The Reich became understood as deriving its authority and sovereignty entirely from a continuing unitary German Volk, with that authority and sovereignty being exercised at any one time over a unitary German state territory with variable boundaries and extent.
Although commonly translated as German Empire, the word Reich here better translates as realm or territorial reach
, in that the term does not in itself have monarchical connotations.
Next German federal election

Next German federal election

The next German federal election will be held on or before 26 October 2025 to elect the members of the 21st Bundestag.


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