Islamic constitutional law pdf

  • What are the 4 elements of Islamic law?

    They are (1) the Qur'an, Islamic sacred scripture, which Muslims believe God revealed to humanity through the Prophet Muhammad, (2) the Sunna (or Prophetic model of behavior recorded in a literature called the Hadith), (3) the consensus of religious scholars, and (4) analogy..

  • What are the 4 sources of Islamic law?

    The primary sources of Islamic law are the Holy Book (The Quran), The Sunnah (the traditions or known practices of the Prophet Muhammad ), Ijma' (Consensus), and Qiyas (Analogy)..

  • What are the 4 types of Islamic law?

    There are five different schools of Islamic law.
    There are four Sunni schools: Hanbali, Maliki, Shafi'i and Hanafi, and one Shia school, Jaafari.
    The five schools differ in how literally they interpret the texts from which Sharia law is derived..

  • What are the fundamentals of Islamic law?

    Islamic law is based on the Quran, the practice of the Prophet Muhammad, and the writings of Muslim scholars and jurists.
    This makes it one of the oldest and most significant systems of law in the contemporary age..

  • What do you mean by Islamic constitution?

    Concept of Islamic Constitution, Islamic states and Muslim states Islamic constitution is the constitution in which “Islamic Shariah forms the law of the land and the Holy Quran and Sunnah are the main sources and a guideline of the state and on the basis of this principle, state enacts Islamic constitution..

  • What is the concept of Islamic law?

    'Islamic law' refers to juristic interpretations (fiqh) of divine law (sharīʿah); 'Muslim legalities' refers to either state law (where Muslims are the majority or minority) or the legal practices of non-state Muslim communities..

  • What is the method of Islamic law?

    There are many methods used by Muslim scholars in providing Islamic law, namely: ijma' (consensus), qiyas (analogy), istihsan, maslahah mursalah, istishab, 'urf, shaz al-zari'ah, and so forth.
    Although some of these methods are unapproved by some scholars, the are applied in solving legal issues occuring among Muslims..

  • According to Islam,God has given man this right of equality as a birthright.
    Therefore no man should be discriminated against on the ground of the colour of his skin, his place of birth, the race or the nation in which he was born.
  • qiyas, Arabic qiyās, in Islamic law, analogical reasoning as applied to the deduction of juridical principles from the Qurʾān and the Sunnah (the normative practice of the community).
    With the Qurʾān, the Sunnah, and ijmāʿ (scholarly consensus), it constitutes the four sources of Islamic jurisprudence (uṣūl al-fiqh).
  • Sharia law is a religious law that lays down governing principles for spiritual, mental, and physical behavior that must be followed by Muslims.
    It categorizes all man's acts into five distinct categories: obligatory, recommended, permitted, discouraged, and forbidden.

What are some examples of Islamic law?

For example, Afghanistan’s constitution compels the state to adopt measures to foster religious schools and improve the condition of mosques

16 Saudi Arabia’s Basic Law defines the armed forces as the guardian of Islam, 17 while Yemen’s 1970 constitution required the enforcement of Islamic law in business transactions


What is the relationship between Islamic law and constitutions?

Over the past century and a half, the relationship between Islamic law and constitutions has moved from a concern for specialists to a central political struggle in many Muslim societies; for scholars of Islam, the topic has similarly moved from a specialized concern to become a major topic of inquiry

Who is the author of Islamic law & constitution?

book is The Islamic Law and Constitution

The author is Sayyid Abula’la Maududi

2 The Ahmad

The book was published in Lahore, Islamic Publications LTD

, 4th Edition 1969

The book consists of 402 pages including the editor’s introduction and appendixes


The importance of the book stems from its subject, time and surrounding

Islamic constitutional law pdf
Islamic constitutional law pdf
A constitutional referendum was held in Iran on 28 July 1989, alongside presidential elections.
Allegedly approved by 97.6% of voters, it was the first and so far only time the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran has been amended.
It made several changes to articles 5, 107, 109, 111, and added article 176.
It eliminated the need for the Supreme Leader (rahbar) of the country to be a marja or chosen by popular acclaim, it eliminated the post of prime minister, and it created a Supreme National Security Council.
Iran is a constitutional, Islamic theocracy.
Its official religion is the doctrine of the Twelver Jaafari School.
Iran's law against blasphemy derives from Sharia.
Blasphemers are usually charged with spreading corruption on earth, or mofsed-e-filarz, which can also be applied to criminal or political crimes.
The law against blasphemy complements laws against criticizing the Islamic regime, insulting Islam, and publishing materials that deviate from Islamic standards.
Virtually all Mauritanians are Sunni Muslims

Virtually all Mauritanians are Sunni Muslims

Virtually all Mauritanians are Sunni Muslims.
They adhere to the Maliki madhhab, one of the four Sunni schools of law.
Since independence in 1960, Mauritania has been an Islamic republic.
The Constitutional Charter of 1985 declares Islam the state religion and sharia the law of the land.


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