Constitutional law forms of government

constitutional government Limited government; the rule of law. A form of government in which a written, unwritten, or partly written constitution serves as a higher or fundamental law that everyone, including those in power, must obey. The rule of law is an essential feature of constitutional government.
Constitutional governments are governments that are structured according to a written document known as a constitution. There are two basic types of constitutional government: unitary and federal. Unitary governments are centralized while federal governments cede power to regions, provinces, cantons, or states.

What are the different types of government?

Different forms of government exist, and can be described as a monarchy, oligarchy, democracy (direct democracy, representative democracy), autocracy, communism, socialism, etc

Usually, it is the Constitution of a State that defines the modality of designation, missions and the powers granted to the members of the government

Constitutional law forms of government
Constitutional law forms of government

Legislative, executive and judiciary authority of Italy

The government of Italy is in the form of a democratic republic, and was established by a constitution in 1948.
It consists of legislative, executive, and judicial subdivisions, as well as a Head of State, or President.
A military government is generally any form of government that is

A military government is generally any form of government that is

Government administered by military forces

A military government is generally any form of government that is administered by military forces, whether or not this government is legal under the laws of the jurisdiction at issue, and whether this government is formed by natives or by an occupying power.
It is usually carried out by military workers.

Government combining elements of monarchy, aristocracy and democracy

Mixed government is a form of government that combines elements of democracy, aristocracy and monarchy, ostensibly making impossible their respective degenerations which are conceived as anarchy, oligarchy and tyranny.
The idea was popularized during classical antiquity in order to describe the stability, the innovation and the success of the republic as a form of government developed under the Roman constitution.


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