Constitutional theory carl schmitt

  • What did Schmitt believe?

    Schmitt believes that the nation-state is the highest manifestation of political society, or the so-called legal norm: “The existence of the state is undoubted proof of its superiority over the validity of the legal norm.
    The decision frees itself from all normative ties and becomes in the true sense absolute..

  • What is the concept of the political Schmitt summary?

    For Schmitt, the political is reducible to the existential distinction between friend and enemy.
    This distinction arises from the fact of human diversity: identities and practices, beliefs and way of life can, in principle, be in conflict with one another..

  • What is the theory of Schmitt?

    Schmitt's Theory of the Partisan originated in two lectures delivered during 1962, and has been seen as a rethinking of The Concept of the Political.
    It addressed the transformation of war in the post-European age, analysing a specific and significant phenomenon that ushered in a new theory of war and enmity..

  • No one has given as pithy an answer to this question as the brilliant and controversial constitutional theorist Carl Schmitt: “Sovereign is he who decides on the state of exception,” he wrote in 1922 (Political Theology).
    Schmitt unmistakably takes after his “teacher” Thomas Hobbes.
  • Summary.
    For Schmitt, the political is reducible to the existential distinction between friend and enemy.
    This distinction arises from the fact of human diversity: identities and practices, beliefs and way of life can, in principle, be in conflict with one another.
A democratic constitution, Schmitt argues in his Constitutional Theory, is the product of an exercise of constituent power on the part of a politically united people (CT 75–77, 125–30, 140–6).
Carl Schmitt’s magnum opus, Constitutional Theory, was originally published in 1928 and has been in print in German ever since. This volume makes Schmitt’s masterpiece of comparative constitutionalism available to English-language readers for the Google BooksOriginally published: 1928Author: Carl Schmitt
In Constitutional Theory, Schmitt provides a highly distinctive and provocative interpretation of the Weimar Constitution. At the center of this interpretation 

What does Schmitt say about representation in constitutional theory?

In his analysis of the concept of representation in Constitutional Theory, Schmitt relies on his earlier exposition of this concept in Roman Catholicism and Political Form (1923) (RC 18–33) and in The Crisis of Parliamentary Democracy (1923) (CPD 97–8 n5)

When was Carl Schmitt's constitutional theory published?

Carl Schmitt’s magnum opus, Constitutional Theory, was originally published in 1928 and has been in print in German ever since

This volume makes Schmitt’s masterpiece of comparative constitutionalism available to English-language readers for the first time

Why is Schmitt a masterpiece of Comparative Constitutionalism?

This volume makes Schmitt’s masterpiece of comparative constitutionalism available to English-language readers for the first time

Schmitt is considered by many to be one of the most original—and, because of his collaboration with the Nazi party, controversial—political thinkers of the twentieth century

Constitutional theory carl schmitt
Constitutional theory carl schmitt

German jurist and political theorist (1888–1985)

Carl Schmitt was a German jurist, political theorist, and prominent member of the Nazi Party.
Schmitt wrote extensively about the effective wielding of political power.
An authoritarian conservative theorist, he is noted as a critic of parliamentary democracy, liberalism, and cosmopolitanism.
His work has been a major influence on subsequent political theory, legal theory, continental philosophy, and political theology, but its value and significance are controversial, mainly due to his intellectual support for and active involvement with Nazism.


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