Constitutional theory of the state

  • What is the constitutional theory of the state?

    Constitutional theory is an area of constitutional law that focuses on the underpinnings of constitutional government.
    It overlaps with legal theory, constitutionalism, philosophy of law and democratic theory.
    It is not limited by country or jurisdiction..

Kant had thus formulated the main problem of constitutionalism, “The constitution of a state is eventually based on the morals of its citizens, which, in its  United StatesImportant theoristsGerman RechtsstaatRussian legal state

What are the four sections of the constitutional theory?

The volume is organized in four sections, focusing respectively on (I) the political theory of the state; (II) constitutional theory; (III) constitutional norms and fundamental rights; and (IV) the relation between state, citizenship, and political autonomy

What does constitutionalism mean?

Constitutionalism: a Minimal and a Rich Sense In some minimal sense of the term, a constitution consists of a set of norms (rules, principles or values) creating, structuring, and possibly defining the limits of, government power or authority

Understood in this way, all states have constitutions and all states are constitutional states

What is a state based on?

The state, in conclusion, is the mode of association created by a modern world of competition and role-play and founded on an ambiguous principle of equality

This egalitarianism, the product of ‘moral communities’ based on ideologies, is shaped by governmental structures that express the principle of ‘reverse hierarchy dominance’


Constitutional fate theory of the constitution
Genetic constitutional theory
Constitutional theory in criminology
Constitutional theory in psychology
Constitution theory in philosophy
Constitution theory is known as
Constitutional interpretation theories
Constitutionalism theory
Constitution theory logical positivism
Process theory constitutional law
Constitutional justice a liberal theory of the rule of law
Living constitution theory
Constitutional moment theory
Originalist constitutional theory meaning
Modern constitutional theory
Constitutional norms theory
Living constitution theory name
Constitutional theory oxford
Constitution theory originalism
Constitutional order theory