Construction ontology

  • How do you construct ontology?

    Tips for Creating an Ontology

    1. Determine the domain and scope of the ontology
    2. Consider reusing existing ontologies
    3. Enumerate important terms
    4. Define the classes & class hierarchy
    5. Define the properties of classes
    6. Define the facets of the slots
    7. Create instances

  • How do you construct ontology?

    The main stages of this methodology are: requirements specification, formal design, construction, and evaluation.
    At each stage of the methodology a series of tasks are defined together with methods and techniques to build the ontology considering quality characteristics..

  • Is IFC an ontology?

    ifcOWL provides a Web Ontology Language (OWL) representation of the Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) schema.
    IFC is the open standard for representing building and construction data (see BuildingSMART).
    The ifcOWL ontology has the same status as the EXPRESS and XSD schemas of IFC..

  • What are the steps in construction ontology?

    The main stages of this methodology are: requirements specification, formal design, construction, and evaluation.
    At each stage of the methodology a series of tasks are defined together with methods and techniques to build the ontology considering quality characteristics..

  • What is an example of ontology?

    “Does God exist?,” “Are my feelings real?”, “What is 'nothing,' and does it exist?” are all examples of ontological questions..

  • What is the ontology design process?

    “Does God exist?,” “Are my feelings real?”, “What is 'nothing,' and does it exist?” are all examples of ontological questions..

  • What is the purpose of the ontology?

    An ontology is a formal description of knowledge as a set of concepts within a domain and the relationships that hold between them.
    It ensures a common understanding of information and makes explicit domain assumptions thus allowing organizations to make better sense of their data..

  • The main stages of this methodology are: requirements specification, formal design, construction, and evaluation.
    At each stage of the methodology a series of tasks are defined together with methods and techniques to build the ontology considering quality characteristics.
  • There are several Languages,Tools and Formalisms that accompany the term ontology.
    Among those languages,we enumerate XML (Extensible Markup Language),RDF (Resource Description Framework), RDFS (RDF Schema), DAML+OIL and OWL that are used in several contexts (compatibility with other concepts, expressiveness, etc.).
Apr 20, 2021Digital construction ontologies aim to capture the relevant objects and properties (relationships and attributes) that can be referred to by 
Apr 20, 2021In Digital Construction Ontologies, any Entity can be associated with a number of Identifiers and Categories. They can be identifiedBy have 
Digital construction ontologies aim to capture the relevant objects and properties (relationships and attributes) that can be referred to by people or systems during the management and execution of construction or renovation projects.

What is a construction ontology?

By implementing the ontology, construction stakeholders and software vendors can build up a customized construction information management system that may integrate distinct pieces of information from various sources within the digital construction context for their specific purposes

What is a CW ontology?

The ontology will allow the representation of CWs and entities related to such workflows, the relations and attributes of entities relevant to construction management, and the representation of data in different contexts

Who are the ontologies' end users?

What is the purpose of ontology specification?

The aim of ontology specification is to explicitly specify the scope and purpose of targeted ontologies and to determine the intended users and requirements of the ontology [ 59, 61 ]

In the present research, the scope and purpose of the ontology were formalized by answering the following specification questions [ 59 ]


Ontology construction tool
Ontology construction process
Ontology construction approach
Ontology construction algorithm
Ontology construction framework
Social construction ontology
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Taxonomy construction ontology
Automatic ontology construction from text
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