Construction waste management ppt

  • How do you clean construction waste?

    This method is based on the waste hierarchy, made up of five steps: reducing waste at the source, reuse of materials, recycling, energy recovery, and landfilling..

  • What are the 5 steps of waste management?

    Some of the various waste management types or methods include landfilling, incineration, recycling, composting, waste-to-energy, and source reduction.
    The method used in disposing of waste would depend on the type of waste to be dealt with..

  • What is project waste management?

    The Project aims to put in force sustainable systems of waste collection, segregation, and treatment along with a controlled, systematic and creative ways of reducing waste generation across the country..

  • What is the meaning of waste in construction?

    "Construction waste" means any substance, matter or thing which is generated as a result of construction work and abandoned whether or not it has been processed or stockpiled before being abandoned..


Waste reduction practices are applicable to virtually any construction and demolition project scenario.
The goal is to divert materials from landfill disposal to the greatest extent practical under the circumstances.
There are two opinions about whether this is a realistic expectation under real world project conditions.
One is that waste reduction.


How are construction and demolition waste sorted?

When commingled with other construction and demolition waste, these materials are generally picked with hydraulic excavating equipment or grapples—a costly and time-consuming process - before the bulk of waste is loaded onto a chainbelt and passed across a manual sort line. 1.
Waste Management Planning .



Responsible management of waste is an essential aspect of sustainable building.
In this context, managing waste means eliminating waste where possible; minimizing waste where feasible; and reusing materials which might otherwise become waste.
Solid waste management practices have identified the reduction, recycling, and reuse of wastes as essential.


What are some common construction waste management practices?

The following general practices are common:

  • Up to 10-12% of a project's construction waste stream can be cardboard alone.
    While protecting new materials is necessary, the Contractor can direct their subcontractors and suppliers to reduce extraneous packing and packing.
    Purchase materials in bulk where possible.
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    What is construction waste?

    Construction Waste:

  • Waste generated by construction activities
  • such as :
  • scrap
  • damaged or spoiled materials
  • temporary and expendable construction materials
  • and aids that are not included in the finished project
  • packaging materials
  • and waste generated by the workforce.
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    What should a waste management plan include?

    The Waste Management Plan, therefore, should also include:

  • progress reporting procedures to record actual diversion and cost corresponding to each diversion and cost estimate.
    As the accepted Plan is a part of the contract document, it should be incorporated into the Contractor's Quality Control and Owner's Quality Assurance processes.

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