Reconnect construction procedures guide

Do I need a performance bond for a construction project?

All materials and equipment financed with award funds must comply with the “Buy American” provisions in 7 C.F.R. 1787.
A performance bond is required for construction exceeding $250,000, as indicated in 7 CFR Part 1788, Subpart C. or certain significant installation, as outlined in the Agency's Memorandum.


What is the reconnect grant guide?

Version 2.0 This guide implements and explains the provisions of the loan and grant documents containing the requirements and procedures to be followed by an Awardee performing work to be financed with ReConnect Program funds.


What records should a reconnect awardee maintain?

The Awardee shall maintain accounting and plant records sufficient to document the cost and location of all construction and to support ReConnect Program advances and disbursements.
The standard Award Documents also contain provisions regarding advances and disbursement of ReConnect Program funds.


When do construction & installation activities begin?

No construction and/or installation activities shall commence until all necessary local, state and federal requirements have been satisfied.
Materials and/or equipment purchased or construction performed prior to an award offer accepted by the applicant will not be eligible for financing.


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