Constructivism implication to education

  • Types of constructivism

    Implications for Teaching
    Thus, while cognitivists allow for the use of “skill and drill” exercises in the memorization of facts, formulae, and lists, they place greater importance on strategies that help students to actively assimilate and accommodate new material..

  • What is the educational implication of social constructivist theory?

    Social constructivism shifts the responsibility of knowledge acquisition from the teacher to the student and also transforms the student from a passive listener to an active participant and a co-constructor of knowledge among co- learners..

Consequences of constructivist theory are that:
  • Students learn best when engaged in learning experiences rather passively receiving information.
  • Learning is inherently a social process because it is embedded within a social context as students and teachers work together to build knowledge.

What are the three processes of constructivism?

The theory of constructivism was propounded by Jean Piaget and it consists of three processes namely: assimilation, Accommodation and Organization Assimilation: Assimilation is a process in which the newly acquired learning has emerged with prior learning

The prior knowledge of the teacher may help in the learning of the new knowledge

×Educational implications of constructivism are:
  • Students learn best when engaged in learning experiences rather than passively receiving information.
  • Learning is a social process that involves collaboration and interaction between students and teachers.
  • The goal of teaching is to provide experiences that facilitate the construction of knowledge, not to transmit knowledge directly.
  • Problem-solving and experiments are examples of constructivist learning activities that allow students to explore and discover knowledge in their own way.


Constructivism approach to learning
Linking constructivism to the social studies curriculum
Constructivism according to vygotsky
Constructivism application to teaching and learning
Constructivism in k to 12 curriculum
Constructivism understand
Constructivism is under learner-centered teaching because
Theories under constructivism
Strategies under constructivism
What are the assumptions of constructivism
Understanding constructivism
Constructivism international relations upsc
Constructivism versus positivism
Constructivism versus social constructivism
Constructivism versus phenomenology
Subjectivism vs constructivism
Constructivism vs existentialism
Realism versus constructivism
Cognitivism vs constructivism
Constructivist view