Radical constructivism proof at least 2

  • Types of constructivism

    Radical constructivism is very different from cognitive and social constructivism.
    It focuses on the idea that learners and the knowledge they construct tell us nothing real, only help us function in our environment..

  • What is the thesis argument of radical constructivism?

    Radical Constructivism is an epistemological position stating that knowledge is an agent's active and dynamic construction, and its own value is established by its viability in the agent's world of experience rather than in comparison to an external reality..

  • Radical constructivism essentially asks that teachers release these time constraints and trust that students, over time, will construct the concepts and skills they are ready for.
I'm going to give you the smart-alec answer, but it's true, so why not: There is no proof. To prove any point, you would need to have two identical classes 
To prove any point, you would need to have two identical classes learning the identical material, in identical classrooms, with identical lawnmower men making a 

Does radical constructivism give agency to the learner/learner?

In addition, he insists that radical constructivism gives agency to the knower/learner in that it puts emphasis on the active role we all have in constructing knowledge, thereby giving us responsibility for our actions (von Glasersfeld, 2010 )


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