Loose constructionism

  • What is a loose constructionist?

    : an advocate of loose construction (as of a statute or constitution) specifically : one favoring a liberal construction of the Constitution of the U.S. to give broader powers to the federal government compare elastic sense 4a, strict constructionist..

  • What is strict or loose interpretation of the Constitution?

    Strict constructionisim, or original intent, is a theory limiting interpretation of legal and constitutional language to the literal meaning of this language at the time of passage.
    This theory contrasts with a loose construction of laws, which allows broader discretion by judges to determine intent in legal language..

  • Who believed in loose interpretation of the Constitution?

    Alexander Hamilton and his followers favored a loose interpretation of the Constitution, which meant they believed that the document permitted everything that it did not expressly forbid.
    This contrasted sharply with Thomas Jefferson's strict interpretation..

  • Who supported loose construction?

    One of the most fervent proponents of a loose interpretation was Alexander Hamilton, who saw the need for a strong federal government in America's infancy, one with all of the necessary “energy” to execute the Constitution's expressed powers..

  • Who supported strict construction?

    President Richard Nixon (1969-1974) and Ronald Reagan (1981-1989) are often thought of as strict constructionists. (Reagan appointed Scalia).
    Both presidents made judicial appointments of conservative judges a campaign issue.
    Chief Justice William Rehnquist was also often thought of as a strict constructionist..

  • President Richard Nixon (1969-1974) and Ronald Reagan (1981-1989) are often thought of as strict constructionists. (Reagan appointed Scalia).
    Both presidents made judicial appointments of conservative judges a campaign issue.
    Chief Justice William Rehnquist was also often thought of as a strict constructionist.
Loose Constructionism is the judicial philosophy whereby the Constitution is interpreted loosely, typically reading between the lines, to extract a meaning. When practicing loose constructionism, justices will take an issue and look at the context of it, and then at the constitution.

What are loose and strict constructions of the Constitution?

Strict construction means that the Federal government has very limited powers.
What is loose construction? Loose construction means that the Constitution gives the Federal government broad powers to do what is necessary.


What does a loose construction of the constitution mean?

What is a loose constructionist view of the Constitution? Loose Constructionism is the judicial philosophy whereby the Constitution is interpreted loosely, typically reading between the lines, to extract a meaning.
When practicing loose constructionism, justices will take an issue and look at the context of it, and then at the constitution.


What does a strict constructionist believe?

Strict Constructionism.
A strict constructionist is someone who believes that the text of the Constitution is not open to interpretation and that the words in the Constitution are literal.


What is a loose or broad constructionist?

Loose construction, also known as broad construction, holds that legal interpretation requires applying knowledge from outside the Constitution's text, such as:

  • history
  • scientific findings
  • and ..

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