Constructivism and non-state actors

  • Constructivists State behavior is shaped by elite beliefs, identities, and social norms; ideas and discourse are the driving forces that shape the world.
    Ideas and identities shape state behavior by defining national interests.
Constructivism recognizes that interests are not fixed, and that non-state actors have the ability to have mutually constitutive influence on states and their interests.
For constructivism, however, the role of non-State actors in processes of social construction is ideational, not material, because non-State actors seek to translate ideas into alternative interests, identities, and interactions concerning inter-State relations.
For constructivism, however, the role of non-State actors in processes of social construction is ideational, not material, because non-State actors seek to translate ideas into alternative interests, identities, and interactions concerning inter-State relations.

What are structural variants of constructivism?

Structural variants of constructivism often restrict agency by anchoring actors to their current (or past) position in the structure of the international system.
This promotes a form of stasis wherein state and nonstate actors from the Global North are expected to dominate their counterparts from the Global South.


What is constructivism in international relations?

"Constructivism," in International Relations Theories:

  • Discipline and Diversity
  • edited by Tim Dunne
  • Milja Kurki
  • and Steve Smith
  • Oxford:
  • Oxford University Press
  • p.167 ^ In international relations ontology refers to the basic unit of analysis that an international relations theory uses.
  • ,

    Why do constructivists reject neorealism?

    As constructivists reject neorealism's conclusions about the determining effect of anarchy on the behavior of international actors, and move away from neorealism's underlying materialism, they create the necessary room for the identities and interests of international actors to take a central place in theorising international relations.


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    Constructivist roots
    Constructivist role theory
    Constructivist root word
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