Consumer behaviour external factors

  • Do external factors influence Behaviour?

    Internal factors such as the general ability to exercise behavioral control, information, skills, abilities, will power, emotions, stress and compulsions can influence our behavioral control as well as external factors such as time, opportunity and dependence on others (31)..

  • What are the external factors that influence behavior?

    the environment - heat, light, noise, privacy. the response of other people, which is affected by their own physical factors, personal and emotional factors, life experiences, wants and needs..

  • Personal Factors That Impact Consumer Buying Behavior
    Personal factors, such as your occupation, age and life cycle stage, economic situation, lifestyle, and personality and self-concept also play a major role in your buying behavior (refer to Figure 3.6).
    Let's examine each of these in more detail.
External factors such as market economy, culture, social values, vogue, and corporate policies for consumers broadly influence the consumer perceptions, attitude, and consumer behavior.
External factors such as market economy, culture, social values, vogue, and corporate policies for consumers broadly influence the consumer perceptions, attitude, and consumer behavior.

Cultural Factors

A group of people is associated with a set of values and ideologies that belong to a particular community.
When a person comes from a particular community, his/her behavior is highly influenced by the culture relating to that particular community.
Some of the cultural factors are:


How do cultural factors influence consumer buying behavior?

Cultural Factors have a strong influence on consumer buying behavior.
Cultural Factors include:

  • the basic values
  • needs
  • wants
  • preferences
  • perceptions
  • and behaviors that are observed and learned by a consumer from their near family members and other important people around them. ii.
    Subculture .
  • ,

    How does family influence consumer behavior?

    A consumer's family has a major impact on attitude and behavior.
    The interaction between husband and wife and the number and ages of children in the family can have a significant effect on buying behavior.
    One fact in understanding the family's impact on consumer behavior is identifying the decision maker for the purchase in question.


    Personal Factors

    Factors that are personal to the consumers influence their buying behavior.
    These personal factors differ from person to person, thereby producing different perceptions and consumer behavior.
    Some of the personal factors are:


    Psychological Factors

    Human psychology is a major determinant of consumer behavior.
    These factors are difficult to measure but are powerful enough to influence a buying decision.
    Some of the important psychological factors are:


    Social Factors

    Humans are social beings and they live around many people who influence their buying behavior.
    Humans try to imitate other humans and also wish to be socially accepted in the society.
    Hence their buying behavior is influenced by other people around them.
    These factors are considered as social factors.
    Some of the social factors are:


    What are economic indicators affecting consumers' buying behavior?

    Economic indicators affecting consumers’ buying behavior are the variables used to measure the financial status of families or individuals.
    The consumption economics is networked along the factors of income, expenditure, products, price, perceived value, satisfaction, and social psychodynamics.


    What are external factors affecting consumer behavior?

    The external factors affecting consumer behavior have been discussed categorically in this chapter, spread across the sections on business environment, geo-demographic factors, consumer culture, seasonality, and induced consumer perception.

    Extent to which the results of a study can be generalized

    External validity is the validity of applying the conclusions of a scientific study outside the context of that study.
    In other words, it is the extent to which the results of a study can be generalized to and across other situations, people, stimuli, and times.
    In contrast, internal validity is the validity of conclusions drawn within the context of a particular study.
    Because general conclusions are almost always a goal in research, external validity is an important property of any study.
    Mathematical analysis of external validity concerns a determination of whether generalization across heterogeneous populations is feasible, and devising statistical and computational methods that produce valid generalizations.


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