Consumer behaviour chapter 4

The remainder of Chapter 4 will focus on the overall model of consumer behaviour by discussing the five step decision-making process as well as the internal 

What is Chapter 4 of consumer behavior?

Preview text CHAPTER 4 THEORY OF CONSUMER BEHAVIOR This chapter revolves around the fundamental concept of utility or satisfaction to explain consumption and demandbehavior in the short-run

Graphs and tables lend support as tools of understanding and analysis

What is consumer behaviour?

Consumer Behavior • A consumer is an individual who purchases goods and services from firms for the purpose of consumption

• As a manager of a firm, you are interested not only in who consumes the good but in who purchases it

The theory of consumer behaviour helps us to draw individual and market demand curves

4-4 5

What is the purpose of Chapter 4?

Chapter 4: Consumer Behaviour Learning Objectives: Describe steps in consumer buying decision process Identify what determines how much time consumers will spend searching for info before buying a product or service Summarize how psychological, social, and situational factors influence consumers’ buying behavior


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