Consumer behaviour is relevant to market because

  • Companies use marketing to promote and sell their products or services, and consumer behavior is how consumers act and respond in the retail environment.
    In order for a company to create a strong marketing campaign, it is important to understand how and to what the consumer will respond.
  • Why Is Consumer Behavior Important in Marketing? By understanding how buyers think, feel and decide, businesses can determine how best to market their products and services.
    This helps marketers predict how their customers will act, which aids in marketing existing products and services.Jul 29, 2022
Why Is Consumer Behavior Important in Marketing? By understanding how buyers think, feel and decide, businesses can determine how best to market their products and services. This helps marketers predict how their customers will act, which aids in marketing existing products and services.

How does consumer behavior affect the value of a product?

A consequence of consumer behavior is customer loyalty, which is a measure of a customer’s likelihood to continue to do business with a company or continue to purchase a product or service as regards a brand

Customer satisfaction leads consumers to make repeated purchases, which also affects the overall value of the product

What is consumer behaviour?

Consumer behaviour looks to the sciences of psychology, chemistry, biology and economics to inform its ideas and strategies for influencing how consumers interact with brands and products

What consumers think and feel through the purchasing process, including the researching, shopping, buying, and post-buying stages

Why do marketers need to understand consumer behavior?

Marketers need to understand buying behavior, what prompts customers to purchase particular products and services over others, and what stops them from purchasing certain products or services or approaching certain brands

The importance of consumer behavior and the factors that influence it are further explained in this blog:

×Consumer behavior is important to marketing because it helps marketers:
  • Understand what influences consumers’ buying decisions.
  • Identify the products that are needed and the products that are obsolete.
  • Identify which products or services people want – and just as importantly, identify which products and services they don’t want.
  • Determine how to promote their products in a way that has the most influence on customers.
  • Connect with customers and build loyalty.
  • Better target an audience.


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