Consumer behaviour of pepsi

  • How do customers view PepsiCo?

    PepsiCo's Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a 28 with 54% Promoters, 20% Passives, and 26% Detractors.
    Net Promoter Score tracks whether PepsiCo's customers would recommend using the product based on a scale of -100 to 100..

  • How does Pepsi attract customers?

    Pepsi has a long and exciting history of marketing.
    The brand has used a variety of marketing strategies over the years to build its presence and become a global brand.
    The brand has used the power of celebrity endorsements, innovative campaigns, and powerful advertising to reach its target audience..

  • What is Pepsi behavioral segmentation?

    Pepsi Behavioral Segmentation
    The target audience are regular and loyal users of the product who choose it for its refreshment value and to enjoy the good taste, as well as Pepsi consumption being part of their lifestyle habits..

  • What is the consumer behavior of PepsiCo?

    47% consumers prefer Pepsi products for taste factor than carbonation, flavor, pack size. 54.5% youth consumers buy the PepsiCo products to satisfy the thirst and hunger..

  • What is the consumer persona for Pepsi?

    The Pepsi target audience includes members of the working, middle and upper classes, with easygoing, determined and ambitious personalities.
    Pepsi continues to market to a solid and growing base of consumers who want sugar free cola options..

  • What is the customer base of Pepsi?

    As a brand, Pepsi has positioned itself as one that embodies young energy, and this can be seen throughout their marketing and advertising campaigns.
    Pepsi's customers are mainly aged between 13 and 35 years old from lower middle class to upper class with a busy and modern lifestyle..

  • Pepsi has a diverse target audience, from teens to adults.
    The brand has identified its target audience based on their preferences and lifestyle.
    It has also identified key locations, such as malls, airports, and universities, to target its audience.
  • Pepsi has a long and exciting history of marketing.
    The brand has used a variety of marketing strategies over the years to build its presence and become a global brand.
    The brand has used the power of celebrity endorsements, innovative campaigns, and powerful advertising to reach its target audience.
  • PepsiCo targets a wide range of consumers, including young adults, families, health-conscious individuals, and sports fans.
    The company designs its marketing campaigns to appeal to different market segments, and it uses market segmentation to target particular consumer groups with customized marketing messages.
The study has been conducted to analyses how youth consumers move with PepsiCo products their taste and preference, satisfaction level, promotional strategies 


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