Consumer behavior simulation

  • How do you observe consumer behavior?

    Using consumer behavior research can give your business a leg up on the competition.

    1. Poll your clients or customers
    2. Analyze online activity on your business website to learn what customers are looking for or revisiting
    3. Offer a free sample of a product
    4. Observe your clients

  • Customer behavior modeling utilizes previously obtained data to create customer cohorts, or segments.
    Creating these groupings allows for the prediction of reactions and actions of each cohort given a scenario based on their similarities and common prior behaviors.
Based on the data obtained from the survey, the author developed a simulation model that reproduces the process of moving customers in the trading hall of theĀ 
Consumer Behavior Simternship Analyze a focus group, survey results, and other secondary research to build a customer profile and guide marketing decisions.
In the field of simulation, a discrete rate simulation models the behavior of mixed discrete and continuous systems.
This methodology is used to simulate linear continuous systems, hybrid continuous and discrete-event systems, and any other system that involves the rate-based movement or flow of material from one location to another.


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