Consumer products naics code

  • 454210 - Vending Machine Operators.
  • How do I find the Naics code for a product?

    You can find a company's or industry's NAICS code by going to the Census Bureau's North American Industry Classification System page..

  • What is the Naics code for consumer products company?

    5322 - Consumer Goods Rental..

  • What is the NAICS code for personal products?

    This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in retailing specialized lines of health and personal care merchandise (except drugs, medicines, optical goods, cosmetics, beauty supplies, perfume, and food supplement products)..

NAICS Codes that fall under 53228 - Other Consumer Goods Rental ; 53228, Other Consumer Goods Rental, 27,615 ; 532281Formal Wear and Costume Rental1,983.
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in renting consumer goods (except consumer electronics and appliances). Illustrative Examples:

What does NAICS stand for?

July 02, 2021 [PDF, 372KB] North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Updates for 2022; Update of Statistical Policy Directive No

8, Standard Industrial Classification of Establishments; and Elimination of Statistical Policy Directive No

9, Standard Industrial Classification of Enterprises; Notice

Vol 86, No 125

What is the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS)?

The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is the standard used by Federal statistical agencies in classifying business establishments for the purpose of collecting, analyzing, and publishing statistical data related to the U

S business economy

Where can I find information about NAICS revisions?

This official U S

Government Web site provides the latest information on plans for NAICS revisions, as well as access to various NAICS reference files and tools

Additional information on the background and development of NAICS is available in the section of this Web site

NAICS Update Process Fact Sheet is now available

Can a Business Have More than One NAICS Code?

The U.S. Census Bureau assigns and maintains only one NAICS code for each establishment based on its primary activity (generally the activity that...

Can I get a NAICS Code or Other Statistical Data for a Specific Company?

The U.S. Census Bureau is unable to provide a NAICS or SIC code for a named business over the Internet or telephone without written request. Luckil...

Can I look up a NAICS Code by Company Name?

Yes. By using the US Company Lookup Tool, you can purchase a company record that includes NAICS and SIC Information, DUNS Numbers, Company Size Inf...

Can I Use My NAICS Code to Determine my SIC Code?

Yes! Just Use Either of the Resources Below: [NAICSxSIC]ac NAICS to SIC Crosswalk PDF Download

Do NAICS Codes Change Over Time?

NAICS will be reviewed every five years (in the years ending in ‘2’ or ‘7’) for potential revisions so that the classification system can keep pace...

How Can I Determine the Correct NAICS Code for My Business?

NAICS was designed and documented in such a way to allow business establishments to self-code. There are a number of tools and references available...

How can I determine the correct NAICS code for my business?[using the naics manual]

To determine the correct NAICS code for your establishment, first identify the primary business activity. Then refer either to: 1) the NAICS United...

How Can I Find Data (Payroll, Establishment, Sales Receipts, etc.) for a Specific NAICS Industry?

You can obtain data for a specific NAICS industry by going to the 2007 Economic Census website. This website provides data at the sector level. You...

How Can I get a Business List by NAICS Code?

NAICS & SIC Targeted Marketing Lists are available for purchase here.

How can I get a new NAICS code created for my type of business?

Every five years NAICS is reviewed for potential revisions, so that the classification system can keep pace with the changing economy. This is the...


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