Ieee consumer electronics magazine scimago

The IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine has an SJR (SCImago Journal Rank) of 0.917, according to the latest data. It is computed in the year 2023. In the past 9 years, this trade journal has recorded a range of SJR, with the highest being 1.441 in 2021 and the lowest being 0.205 in 2016.

What is the IEEE Spectrum magazine?

The IEEE is the world’s largest professional technology organisation, and if you are a member of this organisation, your membership will come with a subscription to the IEEE Spectrum magazine

This magazine is broken up into a variety of engineering topics, including computing, robotics, semiconductors, and energy

What is the journal impact if of IEEE Consumer Electronics magazine?

The lowest Journal Impact IF of IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine is 0


The total growth rate of IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine IF is 231


The annual growth rate of IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine IF is 28


The Journal Impact IF 2012-2013 of IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine is still under analysis

What is the most recent version of the SCImago Journal ranking?

Their most recent release is for the year 2021

The SCImago Journal Ranking (SJR) considers not only the number of citations but also the relative prestige of the citation sources, with greater rank enhancement provided by citations from high prestige journals


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