Contemporary history events

  • /kənˈtɛmpərəri/ Things that are contemporary are either happening at the same time or happening now.
  • What is an example of contemporary history?

    Contemporary history is generally defined as beginning in 1946 and continuing to the present.
    In that time, the world has been almost continuously at war.
    The Korean War and the Vietnam War existed alongside the Cold War waged between the United States and the Soviet Union.Mar 16, 2023.

  • What is considered a contemporary event?

    /kənˈtɛmpərəri/ Things that are contemporary are either happening at the same time or happening now..

  • The Contemporary Era, from 1950 to the present, has therefore witnessed an unprecedented global exploitation of both vertical and horizontal frontiers, with much of this expansion occurring in the developing regions of the world.
Contemporary History – Key Events
  • 1973. Energy Crisis begins.
  • 1976. Bicentennial.
  • 1979. Three Mile Island nuclear accident.
  • 1979 - 1981. Iranian Hostage Crisis.
  • 1981. AIDS first identified in U.S.
  • 1989. Fall of the Berlin Wall.
  • 1991. Persian Gulf War.
  • 1992. L.A. riots.
Railroads and ranchers, rabble-rousers and racists populate America's distant frontiers, and Native Americans are displaced from their homelands. Feminists gain 


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