Contemporary history of afghanistan

  • What is the contemporary situation in Afghanistan?

    Afghanistan's humanitarian crisis worsened in 2022, largely because of the country's enduring economic collapse in the wake of the Taliban takeover.
    Over 90 percent of the population remained food insecure through the year, including tens of millions forced to skip meals daily or endure whole days without eating..

  • Why is Afghanistan historically important?

    Afghanistan was an important crossroads, dominated by other civilizations throughout its history.
    By 522 BC Darius the Great extended the boundaries of the Persian Empire into most of the region that is now Afghanistan.
    By 330 BC.
    Alexander the Great conquered Persia and Afghanistan..

  • The land was inhabited by various tribes and ruled by many different kingdoms for the next two millenniums.
    Before the arrival of Islam in the 7th century, there were a number of religions practiced in modern day Afghanistan, including Zoroastrianism, Ancient Iranian religions, Buddhism and Hinduism.
  • The modern state of Afghanistan began with the Durrani Afghan Empire in the 18th century, although Dost Mohammad Khan is sometimes considered to be the founder of the first modern Afghan state.
1. Afghanistan's history transcends the boundaries of the current nation-state. Afghanistan's history as a nation-state begins with its foundation by a Durrani 
Afghanistan's history as a nation-state begins with its foundation by a Durrani Pashtun-ruling dynasty in 1747, but the history of its component parts is much 

What are some major events in the history of Afghanistan?

Warlords ruled from 1989 until the extremist Taliban took power in 1996.
The Taliban regime was ousted by U.S.-led forces in 2001 for its support of Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda.
A new Afghan government was formed, supported by the International Security Force of the United Nations Security Council.


What are the traditions of Afghanistan?

Afghanistan is a mostly a tribal society with different regions of the country having its own subculture.
Despite this, nearly all Afghans follow Islamic traditions, celebrate the same holidays, dress the same, consume the same food, listen to the same music and are multi-lingual to a certain extent.


Who founded Afghanistan and when?

Ahmad Shah DURRANI unified the Pashtun tribes and founded Afghanistan in 1747.
The country served as a buffer between the British and Russian Empires until it won independence from notional British control in 1919.
A brief experiment in increased democracy ended in a 1973 coup and a 1978 communist countercoup.

Contemporary history of afghanistan
Contemporary history of afghanistan

Clothing worn in Afghanistan

Clothing in Afghanistan consists of the traditional style of clothing worn in Afghanistan.
The various cultural exchanges in the nation's history have influenced the styles and flavors of contemporary Afghan designs.
The national dress is the fusion of different ethnic groups in Afghanistan.
The styles can be subdivided into the various ethnicities with unique elements for each.
Traditional dresses for both men and women tend to cover the whole body, with trousers gathered at the waist, a loose shirt or dress, and some form of head covering.
The population of Afghanistan is around 41 million as of

The population of Afghanistan is around 41 million as of

The population of Afghanistan is around 41 million as of 2023.
The nation is composed of a multi-ethnic and multilingual society, reflecting its location astride historic trade and invasion routes between Central Asia, South Asia, and Western Asia.
Ethnic groups in the country include Pashtun, Tajik, Hazara, Uzbeks as well as smaller groups such as Nuristanis, Aimaq, Turkmen, Baloch and some others which are less known.
Together they make up the contemporary Afghan people.
The First Anglo-Afghan War was fought between the British

The First Anglo-Afghan War was fought between the British

1838–1842 war between the British Empire and the Emirate of Afghanistan

The First Anglo-Afghan War was fought between the British Empire and the Emirate of Kabul from 1838 to 1842.
The British initially successfully invaded the country taking sides in a succession dispute between emir Dost Mohammad Khan (Barakzai) and former King Shah Shujah (Durrani), whom they reinstalled upon occupying Kabul in August 1839.
The main British Indian force occupied Kabul and endured harsh winters.
The force and its camp followers were almost completely massacred during the 1842 retreat from Kabul.
The foreign relations of Afghanistan are in a

The foreign relations of Afghanistan are in a

Foreign relations of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

The foreign relations of Afghanistan are in a transitional phase since the 2021 fall of Kabul to the Taliban and the collapse of the internationally-recognized Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.
No country has recognised the new regime, the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.
Although some countries have engaged in informal diplomatic contact with the Islamic Emirate, formal relations remain limited to representatives of the Islamic Republic.
The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan was a presidential republic that

The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan was a presidential republic that

2004–2021 government of Afghanistan

The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan was a presidential republic that ruled Afghanistan from 2004 to 2021.
The state was established to replace the Afghan interim (2001–2002) and transitional (2002–2004) administrations, which were formed after the 2001 United States invasion of Afghanistan that had toppled the partially recognized Taliban-ruled Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.
However, on 15 August 2021, the country was recaptured by the Taliban, which marked the end of the 2001–2021 war, the longest war in US history.
This led to the overthrow of the Islamic Republic, led by President Ashraf Ghani, and the reinstatement of the Islamic Emirate under the control of the Taliban.
The United Nations still recognizes the Islamic Republic as the legitimate government of Afghanistan instead of the Islamic Emirate, the de facto ruling government.
The US–Taliban deal, signed on 29 February 2020 in Qatar, was one of the critical events that caused the collapse of the Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF).
Following the deal, the US dramatically reduced the number of air attacks and deprived the ANSF of a critical edge in fighting the Taliban insurgency, leading to the Taliban takeover of Kabul.
List of wars involving Afghanistan

List of wars involving Afghanistan

This is a list of wars involving Afghanistan.
Afghanistan is an Islamic state

Afghanistan is an Islamic state

Religions in Afghanistan

Afghanistan is an Islamic state, in which most citizens follow Islam.
As much as 90% of the population follows Sunni Islam.
According to The World Factbook, Sunni Muslims constitute between 84.7 and 89.7% of the population, and Shia Muslims between 10 and 15%.
Other religions are followed by 0.3% of the population.


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