Contemporary history period

  • Our current era is the Cenozoic, which is itself broken down into three periods.
    We live in the most recent period, the Quaternary, which is then broken down into two epochs: the current Holocene, and the previous Pleistocene, which ended 11,700 years ago.
Contemporary history, in English-language historiography, is a subset of modern history that describes the historical period from approximately 1945 to the present.

What are the periods of time in history?

Major periods in world history.
This is a list of the major periods in world history.
It includes ,broad global eras, such as:

  • the Stone Age
  • Bronze Age and Iron Age.
    It also includes ,modern eras, which have lasted only a few decades, such as:the Gilded Age, Progressive Age and the Information Age.
    Stone Age (50,000–3000 BCE) The Stone Age ..
  • ,

    What time period is contemporary literature?

    The contemporary period of literature was between the years 1945 and 1970.
    At this time in history, technology was expanding and the war was over.
    Since the fighting was over, Americans had to deal with the aftermath.
    Fortunately, World War I brought our country out of the deep despair and poverty from the Great Depression.
    It was a consumer economy.


    When did the contemporary period start?

    The period is generally said to have begun in the latter half of the 20th century, though the particular date varies.
    The term began its use around the late 1980s and early 1990s, and has been used up to the present with the availability of the Internet.


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