18 challenges in contemporary literature with explanation

  • Who wrote the 18 challenges in contemporary literature?

    You are on your own, and you need to know what that means.
    Science fiction author and futurist Bruce Sterling has laid out "18 Challenges Facing Contemporary Literature" over at his blog "Beyond the Beyond." They are all good points and they deserve clash.Aug 6, 2009.

  • The impact of literature in modern society is undeniable.
    Literature acts as a form of expression for each individual author.
    Some books mirror society and allow us to better understand the world we live in.
  • TLDR Contemporary literature is characterized by experimentation, incorporation of everyday elements, and addressing themes of inequality and politics, while also being a commercial product.
May 30, 20091. Literature is language-based and national; contemporary society is globalizing and polyglot. 2. Vernacular means of everyday 

Why is contemporary literature not a popular genre?

Contemporary literature not confronting issues of general urgency; dominant best-sellers are in former niche genres such as:

  • fantasies
  • romances and teen books. 11.
    Barriers to publication entry have crashed, enabling huge torrent of subliterary and/or nonliterary textual expression. 12.

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