Current literature magazine

Current Literature was an American "magazine of record and review" published in New York in the late 19th and early 20th century. (There is a Wikipedia article about this serial.)

Don’T Just Do It For The Money Or Prestige

If you’re submitting to lit mags with the hopes of raking in the cash, you are more than likely going to be disappointed.
Sure, there are some big-time magazines out there that offer larger paycheques to their writers and widespread readership, but many of them don’t accept unsolicited submissions — or come with extremely steep competition.
Most li.


Don’T Submit to Tons of Publications All at One

“Cast a wide net” shouldn’t be your mantra when it comes to submitting to lit mags.
As mentioned, all magazines have their own styles.
So spending your time ensuring your submissions are targeted at the rightplaces is much more valuable than sending your writing to as many different publications as possible.
Editors can usually scout fairly quickly.


Editors Do Want to Like Your Submission

The publishing world is competitive, so it’s natural for authors to stress about all the little details of submitting to a literary magazine — whether to add page numbers to their document, who to address in their cover letter, whether they’ll stand a chance as a brand new author, etc.
And while we did just mention that editors generally won’t put .


Ensure You’Re Submitting to The Right Places

When you think of literary magazines, your mind might automatically go to The New Yorker.
Or it might go to independent webzines that specialize in very niche genres.
Maybe you think of university-funded quarterlies like The New England Review.
All this is to say that the range of lit mags out there is broad and the kinds of things they publish als.


Keep Your Cover Letter Short and To-The-Point

Editors are not won over by cover letters.
If you’ve written a great story and have publishing credentials to boot, sure, your cover letter might help win them over.
But if your submission isn’t strong, your cover letter is going to mean nil.
So let your cover letter mention the important bits, make sure it provides any specific information that’s .


Thoroughly Edit Your Story — and Follow Submission Guidelines!

An editor is probably not going to banish an otherwise very strong entry to the slush pile because of a misplaced typo.
That being said, they have lots of reading to do, and while most editors won’t consciously read an entry looking for reasons not to like it, at the end of the day they can only accept so many pieces.
So if you make their jobs easi.


Who are some famous authors who have been published in literary magazines?

Submit it to our directory! The halls of literary success are paved with authors who got their start appearing in literary magazines — such as:

  • Zora Neale Hurston
  • Truman Capote
  • William Faulkner
  • Edith Wharton
  • Ursula Le Guin
  • J.D.
    Salinger, George Saunders, Alice Munro, Flannery O’Connor, and many more.
  • ,

    Why are there no longer published journals in the US?

    Because the majority are from the United States, the country of origin is only listed for those outside the U.S.
    Only those magazines that are exclusively published online are identified as such.
    List of no longer published journals is below, with beginning and ending dates.

    Current literature magazine
    Current literature magazine

    Canadian gay magazine

    fab was a Canadian gay magazine that published biweekly issues in Toronto, Ontario from 1994 to 2013.
    It published alternate weeks to the city's other biweekly gay publication, Xtra! The publication's official spelling uses a lower-case F: fab.
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    Planet is a quarterly cultural and political magazine published

    Planet is a quarterly cultural and political magazine published in Aberystwyth, Wales.
    It looks at Wales from an international perspective, and at the world from the standpoint of Wales.
    The magazine enjoys a vibrant and diverse international readership, and is read by key figures in the Welsh political cultural scene.


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