Contemporary sociological theory ppt

Aug 30, 2019Modern sociological theories. 1. Contemporary Sociological Theories Summary, Commentary and Comparison of Contemporary Sociological Theories 

What are the theories of class conflict in modern societies?

• Some Recent Theories of Class Conflict in Modern Societies argued Marxian relations of production fade and political bureaucratic absorbs the economy itself (Dahrendorf, 1959). • Indeed, our unsolved problem is the explanation of systematic social conflicts in industrial societies (Dahrendorf, 1959).


What is general social theory?

At its best, general social theory is the stimulating lens through which we understand the social world most provocatively, and it energizes us.
We will follow in part a chronological order of presentation.
Nevertheless, you should not think of theorizing as a cumulative exercise in which the most recent theory is the best.


Why do we study sociology?

We generally do sociology in the first place by harnessing our curiosity and/or sense of moral judgment about social things.
But going beyond curiosity and ethics, we pursue any explanation of social life (and for that matter, we explore the workings of social life) necessarily by means of theory.


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