Contract law book

  • Business Law book

    For a contract to be legally binding, and therefore enforceable, it needs to satisfy four principles: offer, acceptance, consideration and the intention to create legal relations..

As well as a market-leading statute book and popular revision guides. All our titles Poole's Textbook on Contract Law. Sixteenth Edition. Robert Merkin KCĀ 

What is a contract law guide?

The market-leading stand-alone guide to contract law from a renowned lawyer; authoritative, comprehensive, and supportive

The most visual explanation of contract law by a leading expert, with full coverage of debates and controversies A straightforward yet rigorous account with well-chosen case summaries and extracts throughout

What is contract law principles and context?

Published 2019 Description Contract Law: Principles and Context presents the development of contract law through a considered selection of cases that are both authoritative and used as factual examples to explain the law

What is the purpose of the contract law book?

The book is grounded on up-to-date scholarship and contains detailed references to cases, statutes, Restatements, and international legal principles

The book takes the reader from contract formation through interpretation and remedies, considering both the practical and theoretical aspects throughout

In an open-book contract, the buyer and seller of work/services agree on (1) which costs are remunerable and (2) the margin that the supplier can add to these costs.
The project is then invoiced to the customer based on the actual costs incurred plus the agreed margin.
It is essentially the same as what is known as a cost-plus contract.


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