Contract law glossary

  • How do you write terms in a contract?

    First, let's walk through all the steps you should plan to take when writing your own terms and conditions agreement:

    1. Step One: Determine what laws apply to your business
    2. Step Two: Make an outline
    3. Step Three: Pick all clauses relevant to your business
    4. Step Four: Start writing using clear, straightforward language

  • What are terms in contract law?

    A contract term is any provision or term that forms part of a contract.
    Each of these terms provides a contractual obligation, which can lead to litigation if breached.
    Every contract a business enters will have critical terms that fall into various categories..

  • What is a contract glossary?

    Definitions of contract (/ˈkɑnˌtr\xe6kt/) a binding agreement between two or more persons that is enforceable by law..

  • What is the definition of a contract law?

    A contract is an agreement between parties, creating mutual obligations that are enforceable by law.
    The basic elements required for the agreement to be a legally enforceable contract are: mutual assent, expressed by a valid offer and acceptance; adequate consideration; capacity; and legality..

  • 4 Different Types of Contracts

    Sales Agreements. Non-Disclosure Agreements and Intellectual Property Management. Professional Service Agreements – Fixed-Price, Time and Materials, and Retainer-Based Contracts. Adhesion Contracts.
  • Key contract terms are the major provisions of a contract, which spell out contractual obligations, violating them can result in a breach of contract and lead to a legal action.
    It's common knowledge that a legally binding contract puts several relevant factors into consideration.
  • Normally, definitions would be listed in the article 1 of a contract.
    It aligns with best practice rule 8, that defined terms must not be used in the body text before they are defined.
    The lead-in of the definitions article could be: In this Agreement:…
This glossary has been prepared to help you understand the terms used within procurement and those commonly found within contracts, terms and conditions.


A contract addendumadds new terms to an existing contract, while still keeping all the original terms in place.


A contract addendumadds new terms to an existing contract, while still keeping all the original terms in place.


Any type of understanding or arrangement reached between two or more parties, whether in writing or not. An agreement isn’t legally binding though – a contr…


Any type of understanding or arrangement reached between two or more parties, whether in writing or not. An agreement isn’t legally binding though – a contr…

Alternative Dispute Resolution

A way to resolve a contractual disputewithout going to court e.g. by mediation or arbitration. Some contracts contain a clause saying that if there’s a problem, then th…

Alternative Dispute Resolution

A way to resolve a contractual disputewithout going to court e.g. by mediation or arbitration. Some contracts contain a clause saying that if there’s a problem, then th…


Changes to a contractthat are made after it’s signed. These are almost always done in writing, and must be agreed and signed by all parties.


Changes to a contractthat are made after it’s signed. These are almost always done in writing, and must be agreed and signed by all parties.


Appendices usually appear at the end of a contract. They don’t change or affect the contract’s terms in any way – they just add extra information about it that y…


Appendices usually appear at the end of a contract. They don’t change or affect the contract’s terms in any way – they just add extra information about it that y…

Approval Workflow

An approval workflow is a process that allows legal teams to let business users work on their own contracts, usually from a template, but with safeguards …

Approval Workflow

An approval workflow is a process that allows legal teams to let business users work on their own contracts, usually from a template, but with safeguards …


A form of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) to resolve contract disputes without going to court, using an independent tribunal. Some contracts includ…


A form of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) to resolve contract disputes without going to court, using an independent tribunal. Some contracts includ…


Also called “novation”, this is when a party to a contract transfers their rights, obligations, or liabilities to someone else who wasn’t involved in the original c…


Also called “novation”, this is when a party to a contract transfers their rights, obligations, or liabilities to someone else who wasn’t involved in the original c…

Authorised Signatory

The authorised signatory is the individual or individuals empowered to sign legally binding contracts on the company's behalf. In early-stag…

Authorised Signatory

The authorised signatory is the individual or individuals empowered to sign legally binding contracts on the company's behalf. In early-stag…

How does the law define a contract?

Contract law is the body of law that relates to making and enforcing agreements

A contract is an agreement that a party can turn to a court to enforce

Contract law is the area of law that governs making contracts, carrying them out and fashioning a fair remedy when there’s a breach

Anyone who conducts business uses contract law

What is the definition of contract law?

Contract law means an agreement between two or more parties creating obligations that are enforceable or otherwise recognizable at law

A contract in law is a binding agreement between two parties that is legally enforceable

Sections 2 (h), 10, 11, 14, 17 and 23 of the Contract Act,1872

Contract law glossary
Contract law glossary

Jargon and esoteric terms used in BDSM

This glossary of BDSM terms defines terms commonly used in the BDSM community.

A glossary of land law contains mostly middle English concepts, which are often found in older judgments, and refer to obsolete rights or remedies.


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Contract law governs all promises
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Contract law history
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Contract law hawaii
Contract law handbook