Contract law washington state

  • Is a verbal contract legal in Washington state?

    The general rule is that contracts do not need to be in writing.
    The exception would be the contracts falling under the statute of frauds..

  • What is contract law in Washington state?

    In Washington, the basic maxim is “An agreement is enforceable if its terms are reasonably certain.” The terms of a contract are “reasonably certain” if they provide the ability for determining a breach/default and for giving an appropriate remedy in case of breach/default.Feb 24, 2019.

  • The written confirmation must provide an address where a cancellation notice may be sent and an explanation of your cancellation rights.
    You may cancel the contract within three business days after you receive written confirmation of the sale.
  • Whether an oral contract is enforceable in Washington depends upon the circumstances surrounding the terms of the agreement—most notably, whether the agreement falls under the provisions of the so-called “Statute of Frauds,” requiring that certain types of contracts must always be in writing and signed by the parties
In Washington, the first element that must be included in a contract in order for it to be legally binding is an offer. Then there must be acceptance. If there is no acceptance, there is no contract.
Oral agreements or oral commitments to loan money, extend credit, or to forbear from enforcing repayment of a debt are not enforceable under Washington law. [ 


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