Contract law exam example

  • What is an example of acceptance in contract law?

    Say for example A offers to buy B's car for rupees two lacs and B accepts such an offer.
    Now, this has become a promise.
    When the proposal is accepted and it becomes a proposal it also becomes irrevocable.
    An offer does not create any legal obligations, but after the offer is accepted it becomes a promise..

  • What is an example of an express contract?

    A person A sends a text from his phone to person B, proposing to sell their bike for a cost of Rs. 10,000/-.
    The person B calls the first person and agrees to the terms of the promise.
    This is an Express Contract as the terms have been stated clearly in oral as well as written form..

What are some examples of contract law?

Examples include the decennial liability regime and the protection of subcontractors in accordance with law n°75-1334 on subcontracting, or all the rules related to public domain protection

In addition, there are rules specific to contract law which prevent the inclusion of certain clauses

What is contract law for Dummies?

As an art, contract law often requires creativity as courts apply the rules and interpret the language of contracts

Because of this, Contract Law For Dummies contains a little of both

It presents the rules that govern contracts and provides numerous examples to help you apply those rules to different fact situations

Here, we list multiple free resources where you can find law school practice exams and model answers. We highly recommend tha…


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