Real estate contract law quizlet

  • A contract requires six elements: offer, capacity, legality, acceptance, consideration, genuine agreement.
    Contracts can be valid, void, voidable, or unenforceable. 1.
    A contract is valid if it is legally good.
Rating 5.0 (1) Acceptance:the offered accepts the offer, converting it to a contract 2. Rejection: the offeree rejects the offer 3. Revocation: the offeror withdraws
Rating 5.0 (1) Real Estate Contracts. Legal agreements that underline the transfer and financing of real estate. Sale & Lease Contract & Option Agreements. Used to transfer  

What are the different types of real estate contracts?

When drawing up a real estate contract, you may come across various forms such as: Unilateral Real Estate Contracts

Only one party is involved in making a promise concerning the contract

Bilateral Real Estate Contracts

Two or more parties are involved, allowing each to make promises to the other party

Expressed Contracts

What are the requirements of a real estate contract?

A real estate contract has many requirements, and must include all of following to be considered legal and enforceable: a legal description and street address of the property included in the contract; the selling price or payment agreed upon;

What is a contract in real estate law?


Terms in this set (544) A written agreement in which a purchaser agrees to buy and a seller agrees to sell is called

a contract

Antitrust laws prohibit competing brokers from all of the following

PSI Real Estate Practice Exam – Once again, this one is not free but if you know how to search google you can find it really easy


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