Study contract law online

Is contract law a differentiator between law schools?

Because contract law is typically a required course in J.D. programs, the existence of such a class is not a differentiator between law schools, says Robert C.
Bird, a professor of business law with the University of Connecticut School of Business.


What does a contract lawyer do?

Multimillion-dollar business deals, including:

  • corporate mergers and acquisitions
  • nearly always rely upon contract law.
    Aspiring contract lawyers can learn more about this career path by reading this guide.
    What Is Contract Law.
    A Definition Contract law typically focuses on ensuring that people honor the commitments they make to others.
  • ,

    What is contract law?

    Learn about contracts in this online course from Harvard Law Professor Charles Fried, one of the world's leading authorities on contract law.
    Start Contract Law:

  • From Trust to Promise to Contract today.
    Contracts are promises that the law will enforce.
    But when will the law refuse to honor a promise? .
  • ,

    Why should you study contract law?

    This area of legal studies helps ensure agreements between two or more parties are legal and clear.
    A mastery of contract law allows professionals to effectively create, revise and enforce agreements.
    These relationships are common with customers, vendors, partners and employers.


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    Why contract law
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